
Highschool study abroad?

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does anyone know of a christian study abroad program for high schoolers?!??!




  1. Unfortunately, most of the ones that advertise themselves as "Christian" do it for the wrong reason -- as a scam! Many of the programs that have had the most difficulties are "Christian" ones. Not because they ARE Christian, but because they use that in the title of their program to lure unsuspecting students. I helped one young Korean lady out when her "Christian" program kept her in a home with a bunch of other kids and never sent her to host families.

    Truly, your best bet is to go with a well known, established organization that is CSIET listed ( AFS, Aspect Foundation, Rotary and YFU are reliable almost everywhere. Most programs will also take your religious beliefs into consideration when placing you -- although they will not guarantee it.

    Good luck to you! It's a great opportunity.

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