
Highschoolers does myspace effect your school work habits?

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If it does, how? I'm tunring into a junior & thinking about deleting mine since sometimes I feel addicted to it and must log on while doing work, and it makes it harder for me to concentrate on my work.




  1. yes, well for me it's facebook. I think the only reason I am keeping it is because it gives people a way to contact me and invite me to parties etc. but a lot of the time I get on it to procrastinate. When I had a myspace, I deleted it and my study habits got much better because I didn't have the social networking system begging me to sign on every few hours. but, at the same time, you are a junior and you need some fun!

  2. to tell you the truth myspace affects just a few of your school skills.....i have also been addicted and cant stop logging on actually deleting your account would be a good idea or just sit away from the computer and turn it off completely where you will be able to do your work properly and get on myspace when you know you work is done your chores are complete and homework is checked over..dont let myspace o the www get in the way of your work..i am just 12 so im like stirring around ideas..sorry...hooped it helped

  3. Yes,  for me it does.

    I am always on myspace. LIke, when I should be doing my homework, I am on myspace. Sometimes when I type like "wat r u doin?"..

    I sometimes put that stuff  in my schoolwork.

  4. Not at all...

    Yahoo Answers on the other hand...

  5. it doesnt affect my work habit at all......

    i go on, check if i have any comments or messages then log off

  6. im going to be a senior.

    i really don't think it affects my school work.

    i think the only way it would, is if you were addicted to it & spent all your time on it.

  7. yesss it did. so i deleted it a few days ago.

    plz answer my question;...

  8. no....i have self-control!

    i can log off at anytime :]

  9. def but now i do my work on my parents computer

    if i log onto myspace on thiers  they try to snoop and stuff


    since i wont login on thiers thats where i do my work  

  10. If you deleted your myspace, more power to ya! I think that academics is the most important thing and reason why you're at school. When you go home, you have to follow up on what you did in class. So yes if you can't limit your time on myspace. get rid of it:]

  11. Okay, you should just get on a few times a week or something, so you don't get addicted and not do your school work. The same thing happens with me, and now I just try to do my school work first. And if I do do my school work first it helps with my grades, so I don't get tired and slack on it, or procrastinate.

  12. well it used to but then i realized there was no point to myspace.

    now i log on only once or twice a week just to check my messages.

    Best of Luck :]

  13. Sometimes it does to me.

    So your not alone ;)!

    Myspace is good for communication. Especially homework.

    If you think it's best to delete it then go ahead,there's nothing wrong with it.  

  14. i'm going to be a junior too, and i have a myspace.  it doesn't affect my work habits, i log on once or twice a day after school to check my messages and comments and if i dont have any i log off and after my homework is done i log back on somtimes you have to have a little self-control and say "no" you may have to right it down on a post-it note and stick it on the screen to remind you.

  15. I thought of deleting my Myspace for a while as soon as I got to high school but I found out that I could manage for a while, but I decided to take some harder classes next year so I am probably going to delete it.

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