
Hii! ive tried this spell (from 43 things) and whenever i go on YAHOO ANSWERS and ask about mermaid spells,?

by Guest61990  |  earlier

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like 3/4 of the answerers say 2 trii this and that it works and stuff. if this SERIOUSLY work on sum pleeeze yahoomail me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!


and i realli wanna ask this question cuz ive been getting sum of the side effects. and i figure that if sum 1 said that it works and it doesnt i would be lik REALLI mad! so other people would probably get kinda mad 2. so then y would they saii it works. if it realli didnt then i would warn people not lie and say that it does.

so pleaze help and heres the spell:

Here's how to become a mermaid at the touch of water


Insouciant inclemency

Redoubtable mediocracy

Refutable humanity

Make me what I wish to be...


Witches one and witches all

Give this power to me

Repeat 10 times

Whatever you do, DO NOT SAY THIS WHILE DRY!!!!! You do not have to be in the bath, shower, pool, or ocean while you say this. Some part of you just has to be touching water. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SAY THIS ON A FULL MOON. Just don't look at it or you will regret looking at it (after saying the spell)

After saying this spell, you will probably have side effect(s)

-Legs changing color/getting itchy, tingly or achy



-Difficulty breathing

-Coughing fits when in water

-Being able to breathe in water/hold your breath longer

-Random anger

-Scales appearing on your skin

-Gills appearing on your neck or under your armpits

-Legs sticking together or wanting to stay together

-Legs crossing by themselves

-Constant thirst even after drinking lots of fluid


-Wanting to touch or be in water

-Singing (well) a lot.


Sometimes side effects don’t happen until 2 weeks after saying the spell

Tail colors vary, and you do not decide what color your tail will be. It takes about a month for your tail to fully develop.

You do not get to choose your power. Powers I've heard of are the H2O powers (heating, freezing, or shaping water), psychic powers, and telekinesis. The power may take up to 2 months to develop.




  1. i think it'll work and i'll try it too.look at my question to find more answers.

  2. Wow you are bananas. I don't know why this site seems to be infested with 10-yr olds who believe that turning into a mermaid is possible.

    It is physically impossible. Hate to break it to you.

  3. Neither this "spell" or any other combinations of words, will PHYSICALLY change you into a mermaid. You can imagine all you want. Anyone who tells you this spell works is pulling your leg. You believe you get the "side effects" because you focus on looking for them to occur. Truthfully.

  4. are you 10 or something i mean adults do not buy into that c**p.

  5. Hey! i'm totally into spells and beliving in mermaids and stuff, but i don't think this spell will work. You can go ahead and try but this spell has the workings of amiture all over it! and its prob just some prank joke. But hey nothings impossible so be my guest and try! If it works i'm jelouse, if it doesn't then i told you so. lol ;)

  6. OK i asked if the spell worked and like 8 people came back and said that they have tails so i am going to try this spell and i have tried sooooo many spells and i think this one is the one. if u get the side effects i think that means that it is working.

    good luck

    I hope it works

  7. Ms. mermaid of the great salty sea, prepared to get mad becasue the spell doesn't work.

    The meramid hype has been started by the Australian tv show, H20-Just Add Water.This is the answer i have copy and apsted to every question involved in turning into a mermaid because I just got so sick of retyping it all the time...

    You can't change your physical body that much with natural means or magical. If mermaids exist, they would be a different species from human beings. It would be like saying I want to turn into a walrus or penguin, you just can't.

    Mermaid like creatures might exist. manatees and dewgongs were thought to be mermaids a long time ago, so perhaps there is a type of fish or sea mammal that actually resembles a mermaid more in detail. We have barely explored our oceans, there is still a ton of c**p we don't know.

    However, a half human, half fish creature doesn't exist because it is a physical impossibility.In order for such a creature to exist the DNA of a fish and a human would probably have to be altered and just the plain physical thing don't add up. The way humans are physically, where our organs are and such reflects on our environment. i f a mermaid had the upper body of a human being, then there lungs would be the same as well, lungs used for on land living. Since human beings can only hold their breath for so long before needing oxygen, I am sure we would have seen more mermaids by now, and know how they came to be.

    the only way you could possibly say you were a real mermaid were to be if you were to go under some very dangerous and probably fatal surgery to combine your legs, put scales on them, rearrange your lower body organs, alter your lungs and that still wouldn't be enough. you would still actually be a human being with humand needs, like certain nutrients obtained form food that you just can't get in the sea.

  8. You are crazy! I guess you must really like mermaids! ♥♥

  9. No. Mermaids do not exist, and it is impossible to turn yourself into one. Im sorry. These "spells" are BS.

  10. Mermaid spells don't work or we'd be seeing a LOT of mermaids around.

  11. If these spells really worked, wouldn't you see a lot more mermaids around?? So far I count 0 I've seen.

  12. The only true way of turning into a mermaid is buying a Mermaid costume and wearing it. ..

  13. LOL!!!!  Geez,  youve got quite the imagination dear.  U could put that creativity and determination into good use.

  14. dont listen to them. i wanna try it!!!

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