
Hii jog for nearly 7miles and walk about 5 miles a day .Does that effect my health?

by  |  earlier

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I am following this routine from last 15 days .Earlier when i statred there were pains in my legs .As i used to regularly follw the routine the pains disappeared ,but from last 2 days when i get up for joging my legs pain and feels like i cant jog but when i start running after some time everthing will be ok.Is that walking or joging for such long distance is bad for health.Please provide me some information about food that i have to take at night ,before joging or after joging so that i can stay healthy.Thank you for answering my question




  1. push yourself, your body has plenty of rest from the night of your normal sleep.  when you push yourself while your body is feeling a little tired or weak is when you break the plateau and elevate your recovery time and performance.

  2. You are to be commended for having such an aggressive exercise strategy that I am sure contributes to your good health.  But there are some key points that aren't clearly stated.

    1.  Hydrate well

    2.  Always run in the shade

    3.  stretch before and after

    4.  Always take 1 day a week off to rest

    5.  Make sure you're wearing excellent running shoes

    6.  Take a vitamin supplement

    7.  Vary your mileage using the 30%-20%-10% formula

    Good Luck

  3. Hey, the only problem with what you are doing is......NO REST

    if you dont rest, your body carnt recover, so you will feel week at the start of the rutine/workout. once your body has warmed up the pain will go away but if you dont rest your body isnt recovering, to get the full benift of this rutine you should only do it every other day.

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