
Hijab is cultural but not Asked in islam?

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Salam Alikom

I saw many Users here say that Hijab or Jilbab is cultural (Arabic Culture) and Islam didn’t ask for it .

Well Here is the Truth. Qur'an, verse 33:59 (Surah Al-Ahzab).

"O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their [jalabib] (Jilbabs) over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

The Aya Clearly States that Allah asked for Jilbab.

2. Cultural but not religion.

Arab Women Used to be (كاسيات عاريات) Kasiyat Ariyat or Wearing very appealing clothes as if they r naked.

Main point their clothes were just like belly dancers now wear.

It was recorded in books of history ,Quran and hadith that Arab women clothes were extremely not decent. they used to wear extremely seductive clothes.

When Islam Demanded Muslim Women to cover up and stop wearing the seductive clothes at front of strange men... women start taking bed cover and wrap them around them selves.

This proves that its not cultural.

U can Google women of Arabia pre Islam and see it ur self.




  1. Not too many months ago in my pious grandmother's house, I was discussing the hijab with a wonderful young girl who went to an Imam Hatip school in Konya. I told her that I was amazed by the make-up and tight clothing that I saw on so many turbaned girls recently, almost making it like a new "fashion" to be considered. She agreed with me that this contradicts the essence of the dress restrictions, which is *modesty*. She revealed to me that many of the girls in her religious school keep fast and wear turbans properly, but do not always pray regularly. Some, she said, abide by all the above, and yet make the most lascivious jokes in private, completely obsessed with the opposite s*x. This extremely wise young girl said that we all sin to smaller and larger extents, even by our thoughts or feelings such as simple jealousy or lack of appreciation -- and that as pious as she held herself to be, she knew that she too sinned on occasion, requiring tovbes.

    A person must choose sometimes, what is important and what is not important, and make sure that the important things are satisfied *first*.

    Consider a nation of people which abides by all of the most superficially checkable "rules of the book" so that they might enter Cennet on a set of technicalities.  Consider that these same people lack compassion (as they are violent to their neighbor and inconsiderate of their own poor except on religious days when they're "supposed to help"), true humility (as they are too comfortable in the "divinity" of their own language and culture), modesty (as their rich are so quick to flaunt their latest material possessions and luxury), work ethic (which can be seen by their lack of intellectual and industrial output), and general appreciation (as they are so set on complaining about how other infidels have wronged them that they cannot truly appreciate their incredible geographical fortune, which they thus waste).  That culture, so lacking in the harder-to-check internal virtues while being completely obsessed with the easily-checkable external rules-of-book, has seriously got its priorities messed up.  I am thankful that Turkiye is not such a nation, and in my prayers I hope that we shall never become such a nation as well.

  2. Are you insulting our intelligence? Pre-Islam Arab women most certainly DID NOT walk around like belly dancers, they covered themselves up. Your claim is so against common sense! In fact, it's hilarious! So all Arab women were free to wander around lustfully wearing Victoria's Secret, but they were buried alive sometimes right after their birth for the reason of being a female. Haha it appears women were extremely free before Islam! I am sick and tired of seeing all these man made contradictions in abrahamic religions.

    Just admit it, there is no LOGICAL way of defending the hijab or the headscarf. You want to believe there is a logical reason because I bet it's making your life like h**l! That's why nobody dwells on the moral rules of Islam but get freaking stuck at a piece of cloth. It's an outdated and stupid tradition. That's it. I wish Islam outlawed that too. But one always has to remember that there are limits to a 'revolution', there are things you can't change in a culture, even if you are a prophet. This is what the hijab is. Kuran says cover yourselves, that's all.

    Btw GME gave a good answer.

    Also why do you have an avatar like that? Isn't that a sin? lol.

    Edit: Haha, no, actually it's sweet of YOU to say, "Ohh I covered myself on my own account" because most of the brainwashed girls give me that line. I am not insulting Islam, I am insulting YOU and other like minded people. I repeat, if you want to cover yourself up, why do you have a girl with makeup and without a headscarf on your avatar? You express yourself in a way that you secretly long for.

    Yes, you are right, Arab women were all prostitutes and belly dancers before Islam. There were no such things called 'headscarf's on earth before Islam came. In fact, people used fig leaves, not clothes, I'm sure you appreciate that fig leaves are much more practical. Do you guys have fig trees in Arabia? Nevermind, you have palm trees, thank God not pine trees! You know, if one wanted to make another an atheist, it would be enough to put one in the same room with you for two hours.


  3. Hijab is not about the hair covering, but acting and dressing modest totally.

    "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. "(4:31)

    Then the verse about women follows:

    "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms..."(4:32 in part)

    The term hijab or veil is not used in the Qur'an to refer to an article of clothing for women or men, rather it refers to a spatial curtain that divides or provides privacy. The Qur'an instructs the male believers (Muslims) to talk to wives of Muhammad behind a hijab. This hijab was the responsibility of the men and not the wives of Muhammad.

    Also, the word used in the Qur'an for a headscarf or veil is khimār. Still another definition is metaphysical, where al-hijab refers to the veil which separates man or the world from God.

  4. Arabic women never covered themselves? What are you talking about???

    Well probabaly in your country they are also re-writing history.

    But here is the truth to be told: in the pre-islamic time, Arabs used to use headscarves (of course not like today's, coz it has evolved, oh pardon, you dont like the word "evolve" right?) not only women but also men. Then, after some occasions (go search by yourself, i wont loose time here) the prophet Muhammed kindly told women to tie their headscarves not on the back, in the front... thats how it started and some Arabic authorities didnt lose time to change the rules according to their minds, they did all to misuse Islam. Now, in Turkey, some are trying to find the original beauty of Islam before people handed it, trying to debug it from the Arabic influence, you do not try to stop them!

  5. your religion may have taught u manners in ur opinion,but ur religion certainly didnt educate you about living in the modern world.

  6. Yes it's cultural and doesn't have anything to do with any religion. It's oppressive, backward and sexist and should be banned everywhere in the world not just in Turkey and France

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