
Hiking in the mountains with children age 8 and 11 yrs how much is to much?

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I'm a divorced dad who plans on taking my 2 boys hiking every other weekend in the summer. I have never done this with children and don't want to "push" my 8 yr old to much. We won't be mtn. climbing or anything but some of the peaks are around 4000 feet and mite take 6-7 hours round trip. What would you say is the limit (time?) for a 8 yr old?




  1. 6-7hrs is way too long, pack lots of water maybe a few fruit bars and when he says he had enough you should stop have the snack and head back

  2. We live near Lake Tahoe and have always taken our kids hiking. My kids are 14, 6, & 16 months. (we've only been once since having the baby)

    6 or 7 hour hike might be a bit much especially if you guys aren't used to hiking. I'd recommend starting small and then maybe each time you go increase. Perhaps start with a 2 or 3 hour hike, then you can always have a picnic lunch either back at the car or a picnic area. That way you can get a feel for how well they can handle it, at least for the first time anyway.

    My 6 year old lasts about 4 hours, so 2 hours in and 2 hours back. Any longer, and he sounds like a little old man with his complaints. We usually bring water and some snacks like trail mix or peanut butter crackers, or pretzels. Before we make the 2 hour hike back we stop, sit & have our snacks. Works well for us this way.

    Make sure you bring a first aid kit, snacks, water, bug repellent, sun block, trash bag, whistle (to scare off animals or for signaling), dress accordingly, and a cell phone. Sometimes they will have a map at the entrance of the trail, it's a good idea to grab one, sometimes they ask for a small donation but only like 50 cents usually. This will map out the hike areas and possibly has information on animals, insects plants, trees &  maybe history of the area. This should be fine for your first time out.

    If you have any other questions feel free to email me... You can find my email link on my profile page. Otherwise, have a great time with your boys!! It's a wonderful way to bond!! :)

  3. It depends on the child. We hike a good bit with an 8, 6, 4, and 1 yr old (baby in a backpack carrier). My 8 yr old would do fine with a 3 hour one way hike *if he wanted to hike*. If he doesn't it will be miserable on everyone. I would start out slow and if they are interested you can make goals they can get excited about like hiking to the top of peaks.

  4. there is no time limit it is simply that when your child is tired or thirsty you let him rest or get a drink

    that goes for both of your children as growing boys they will need to stay hydrated .

  5. Until he says he has had enough.

    Noone else can judge as they don't know how he will feel

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