
Hillary, do you still want to chat ? A question for you..............?

by  |  earlier

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When you were 1st lady - you tried to address but, did not have any facts about Health Care & recently speaking about Universal HC you neglected to mention it causes income taxes to go up, higher admin costs, most seniors would not be covered, etc. Now you are telling us the oil companies would be willing to let you have their extra profits(?) for you to spend on energy research. Where would you begin and what would your agenda be? I think you should also explain your time in the White House and all the stories of purgery, abuse-of-power, Lewinsky, document shredding just to name a few. You want us to make you the Commander-In-Chief of the western world, tell us on what basis to you think you deserve this privilage. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.




  1. Better watch out she might sic her Flying Monkeys on you...she is not going to ever address these questions that most Americans, including myself, want to know...she is only going to say what the polls and her handlers want her to say...

  2. Hillary will have to learn the art of politicians. In the White House as the First Lady, she lived there without learning diplomacy. As the President-to-be, she will get groomed by and by, in the art of how to say things without really answering prickly questions!

  3. you are a smart person!

  4. Please run out of points quickly.

  5. bravo good question

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