
Hillary, who does she appeal to, and what is her message?

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I am writing an article about the presidential race. Obama and McCain are really easy to write about but Hillary...

What is her main message (ex. Obama is about Change & hope)

Who does she appeal most to (ex. Obama grassroots)

Please no negative comments, as this will not help...




  1. I hope you do not take this as a negative comment as you stated you do not want them. If I however "misstate" the comments just remember that has become Hillary's trademark. We used to call them liars, know we know them as misstaters! At any rate - I am not sure what time frame you are asking about - her message changes with almost every crowd.

  2. Hillary went into this campaign saying she wants to be the first woman president of the United States; That was her message. She thought because was well known she could walk into the job. When it became obvious there were more people against her than for her she had to change her message. She then resorted to degrading the other candidates but she still has not been able to get over the top. Republicans would like to see her nominated as they know enough about her to destroy her in the general elections.

  3. I had to laugh at that last answer, pretty funny!

    Her appeal may go towards: Women and young people, some interest groups perhaps Latinos also because Bill Clinton as president got much support from that community.

    I did not vote for Hilary but I would suggest looking up her website to find out her message.

    From most of what she says, I generally agree with some of her policies but the approach to this campaign has been all wrong.  She basically attacked Obama the minute he became an actual threat to her winning the nomination!  Most of what she says is just undermining her opponent instead of dealing with the issues at hand! This is not to be negative, this is just what I have seen from her statements she makes.

  4. Change and hope? That is a broad statement that all three candidates can say. Hillary is for universal health care, benefits for veterans, lowering the interest rates for school loans, restoring our image in the world, etc. Her logo is "Solutions"

  5. Appeal: Older white women who haven't gotten laid in a long time.

    Message: She'll say anything to get power.

  6. her message seems to be one of ambition to become a president who has just totally screwed up our country

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