
Hillary's Healthcare Plan?

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Why should you be forced to pay for other peoples medical bills?




  1. You shouldn't according to OUR Constitution.


  2. Examine the other side of the coin--Why should they be forced to pay yours?  A National Health Care system pays for everyone.  No one forces you to go to a doctor, contrary to the opinion of many who post on this site, you are free to suffer and die of any ailment or accident.

    The restrictions placed on the insured by many health insurance providers are eliminated.

    Insurance company administration costs are over 14% while Medicare and Medicaid administration costs are 2% without exclusions for pre existing conditions.

    To those who oppose a Universal Health Care system you are free to make the choice to not participate.  There will always be private practices and hospital beds.

  3. You already *are* paying for other people's medical bills. Medical insurance is a business, which means insurance companies are the middleman making a (hefty) cut from every medical dollar spent.  

    Your insurance premiums cover the medical bills of others and the insurance companies get to select who gets care and who doesn't -- depending on how much it *costs them* -- not according to who needs the treatments or how valid the treatments might be.  Many people get unnecessary treatment or are prescribed prescriptions with exorbitant prices when more effective, cheaper meds are available simply because it profits the pharmaceutical companies that partner with the insurance companies, who then give a kick back to the insurance company.

    In the last decade insurance premiums have risen 85%.  The cost of care hasn't risen 85%.  That extra money is going right into the pockets of businessmen.

    You don't have the choice you think you do.  Not only are you *currently* paying for the medical bills of others, you are also lining the pockets of businessmen in a big way.  

    People who have insurance have completely lost touch with what their medical care costs.  They think, "I have insurance so I don’t need to shop around."  So this is what happens.

    You go to the doctor for psoriasis.  The doctor writes a prescription for a drug that actually costs $150 for a 30-day supply; even though there is a safer med that costs only $5 for a 30-day supply.  You pay your $15 co-pay AND the increased insurance premiums that is divided amongst everyone in your plan. So... *you* paid 300% of what you really needed to pay AND everyone else in your plan absorbs the $135 balance of the drug.  The pharmaceutical company makes about a 500% profit from selling the more expensive drug and gives a kick back to the insurance company.

    The worst part is that the average person doesn't even have any idea that there was another, better, more cost-effective solution to their psoriasis problem.  

    The politicians who represent big business plant this thought that "I should not have to pay for someone else's care" and the avg person falls for it, not realizing they are already doing just that.

    Wake up.  Do your own research into the truth.  Then, come back and ask more questions.

  4. OMG, youre so greedy, OMG those "poor" people need your money, you know those 25 yr old "kids" whose parents live in a nicer house than you do - the 25 yr old kid who now makes a bigger paycheck than you - they need your $$$$, you better give it too them or you will be labeled a greedy neo-con

  5. You are already paying.  Universal care simply means everyone gets to pay and everyone gets covered.  Right it is primarily those of us that pay for insurance that pay for everyone's coverage.  yes the gov't with our tax dollars pays for retiree's benefits (medicare) and some indigent health care coverage.

    Today as much as 40% of health insurance premiums are retained by the insurance companies compared to less than 5 percent being used to cover administrative costs in medicare?   Hmmmmm...

    Today we do not have 'market based' health care.  The market has been gamed by the major players in the health care industry.

  6. You (and I) shouldn't

    I found it interesting that in an interview yesterday, Slick Willy claimed that when the 1st "Hillary-care" came around, it was HIS fault that it didn't go anywhere.

    So, my question is, how can she lay claim to something that she didn't have anything to do with?

    You can't have it both ways.

    Unless you're a Clinton, that is.

    (don't pick on me, I'm just a girl!)

  7. Mainly because she like many on her side believe in a socialist state where government tells everyone what to do and how.

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