
Hillary Clinton's Name In Nomination At The Convention?

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My question is since it's a common thing to do , why just her name why don't we enter Al Gore and John Kerry also they lost just like she did oh yes I know they lost the GE




  1. (A )The super delegates have changed their mind and now want Hillary.

    (B) Picking Obama was just a joke that backfired.  Now they don't know what to do.  

    (C )Obama was afraid McCain was going to ask Hillary to run with him, so he is letting her have her day.

    (D)  They just want to stir the sh*t

    (E) After Obama loses the election he will need an excuse.

    (F) Hillery was going to dump the Democrats and become a Libertarian.

    (G) Hillary thought the dumb ***'s would send her more money thinking she was still in the race.

    (H) She wanted more recognition in the history books.

    Take your pick.

  2. Theoretically, anyone's name can be put into nomination, but it would be useless because the nomination would probably die from lack of a second. Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, and Richardson all picked up a committed delegate or two, so they could conceiveably be nominated. Gore and Kerry did not run, so no one would think of it.


  3. Neither Gore nor Kerry were running this time around.

    I guess a case could be made for Edwards, Richardson, etc. to have their names placed in nomination as well... but they didn't get as many votes during the primary season, and there's no real need to mollify their supporters.

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