
Hillary Clinton To seek the White House as an Independent should She do poorly in TX OH and drop out?

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Hillary Clinton To seek the White House as an Independent should She do poorly in TX OH and drop out?




  1. Technically, she is incapable of running as an independent because the independent party has already nominated their candidate (Nader).  If she wanted to run as another party's candidate (i.e. the Green party), she would really be doing nothing more than ensuring a McCain victory.  She would effectively be playing the same role as Perot in '92 and Nader in 2000.  She would split the vote between her and Obama.  Therefore, McCain would win easily.  I don't think she wants that blood on her hands.  Not only is she numerically guaranteed to lose in that scenario, but she also risks becoming a vilified figure amongst democrats.  This, in turn, would bring the remainder of her career to an abrupt end.  I'm sure that she would prefer to preserve her good standing and maintain a respected legacy.  Therefore, if she does not win the '08 nomination, but still wishes to run for President, it would be a better option for her to wait to run again in the next election.  That may only be four years (in which event, she would still only be 65).  But, it could also be 8 years, which means she might be too old (nearly 70).

  2. She should, but being she is just the Trojan Horse , for Bill she want drop out.  They have to get back in there,  there is a lot of documents and more confidential files they need to make disappear.

  3. With all the confidential files they copied before leaving the white house on all  the Democrats for the past at least 50 yrs, their financial records, kids name, schools, birth days etc.  and on a lot of Republicans, she will not drop out, she will win , she will use bribes and or blackmail.  Never under estimate the Clinton Cronies.

  4. What must be asked at this time IS.........Does Senator Clinton wish to deny the WHite House to Senator Obama badly enough to throw the White House to Senator McCain? if this is the case THEN a Third Party Bid for Senator CLinton is in Order.

    This is most definitly an over the top suggestion, with the likes of Alan Keyes and Charles Baldwin, HOWEVER They dislike Obamas Philosophy as openly as does Senator Clnton, I can assure you of this

    In the Movie FarenHYPE 911, the initial statements were given by a self admitted Al Gore Joe Liebermann Supporter 2000. Where in was stated That Al Gore exhausted every avenue available to him to attept to secure the WHite House in 2000, HOWEVER He exhausted every avenue Available to him IN ACCORDANCE TO THE TERMS OF THE U S CONSTITUTION! Post 911, The FOrmer Vice President was solidly behind George Bush.

    A Clinton Run as a VERY STRONG AND SIGNIFIGANT Constitution Party Candidate should Obama Notch the Demo Nomination would Guarantee An Obmaa Loss, PERHAPS not A CLinton Victory but surely an Obama Loss in November

  5. no, too dumb an idea.

  6. I hope she does. But I don't like her I just think that if it's still her and him running it will split the vote and we might be able to be win in the long run. Although McCains not much better...

  7. No

    She has a lot invested in the democratic party

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