
Hillary Clinton and Women: Extremes?

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This morning I was again shocked by how vehemently my wife criticized Hillary (regarding the speech last night), and was reminded of how the women in my life (of all acquaintance levels) seem to have very strong feelings (positive and negative) about Hillary, while the men seem to be more moderate. So, two questions:

1) If this is a common situation, why would women be especially antagonistic toward Hillary Clinton?

2) Does my experience of the situation sound familiar to anyone else?




  1. It does sound familiar. I think Hilary just brings out strong feelings in people. It probably goes back to when Bill was in office...and they were calling her the co-president. Hilary was being cold. She was probably the least favorite first lady. Then there was the whole Monica thing and many women didn't feel she handled it correctly. Women....speaking as one...are often overly critical of other women. I did like her speech. I couldn't help but notice the look on Michelle Obama's face while Hilary was talking......

  2. Perhaps you should investigate obtaining a Prozac prescription for your wife.

    I adore Hillary. ADORE her. I passionately wanted her to be our next President.

    Guess what?

    She didn't get the nomination.

    And as she herself said, we must go on.

    Your wife sounds like she has an issue with REALITY. We don't live in the world we would LIKE to live in, we live in the world that is.

    As for men being "more moderate" well, that's expected. Women were understandably excited about the possibility of a woman in the White House as America's president - I don't see the big mystery there.

  3. Old school feminists glommed onto her despite the fact that being married to Bill got her where she is.  Traditionalists tend to be hostile to her received imperiousness about women's role.  I think men are unattracted to her and tend to view her as an annoyance.

  4. Hillary should have returned nomination of democrat party

  5. There are quite a few women (as well as men) who do not believe that any woman should be President.  Either because of their religious views, or just because as a woman they are perceptive about the innate gender differences and even the way a female leader would be disrespected by leaders of other countries in male dominant societies.

    Even among women who look forward to the day of the 1st woman President, there are many who would not want Hilary to represent them as that pioneer.  She has a lot of baggage, and just a harsh negative vibe, and it looks like she has ridden the coat-tails of her skirt-chasing man everywhere she has gotten.  Not the best poster child for the women's movement!

  6. I liked her speach very much. Its McCain who really ticks me off. I cant even stand looking at me he makes me want to vomit

  7. I've actually found that most people in general either love Hillary or hate her. Keep asking around, and you'll find it's not just women. Personally, I am okay with her. When she speaks she sometimes reminds me of one of the aliens from "Mars Attacks" and I really don't understand why she stayed with a husband who cheated on her (as cool as the guy is, otherwise) -- but besides that I think she's alright, for a politician.

  8. i dont know. maybe its because women are very competitive with each other and will stab each other quicker than 2 competing guys would?

    i'm a chick and i'm all for hillary. I am offended by the 2 starkly dif sets of standards for tolerance of racism and sexism

    I dont think he got the nomination fairly. the media tolerated sexist remarks but was all over anyone who said anything that could be slightly perceived as flies on ****

    i cannot vote for obama because of that

  9. Hillary's problem seems to be there is no middle ground, men or women. You either love her, or hate her. Whereas Obama, McCain, and others, are acceptable as alternatives to those who didn't originally support them, Hillary doesn't seem to be.

  10. A lot of women haven't forgiven Hillary for standing by Bill during Monicagate. It really has little to do with her politics. They see her as a failed human being who put her political aspirations ahead of her personal values. In other words, she stayed with Bill after his affairs, because she wanted to "trade" on his name recognition and become president. She's a polarizing figure as a result...

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