
Hillary Clinton health plan?

by Guest21540  |  earlier

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Okay, well I like Hillary Clinton, and I would vote for her, but I have a question about her health plan. If I get married my boyfriend, he has benefits to cover the family, so I could stay home with my children. With the health plan, could I either

A. Still be covered under his plan

or B. will the family be covered under the new health plan. Could wifes or husbands still be stay at home moms or dads for as long as their spouse could make enough money?




  1. Hillary's plan is that if you have coverage and you are happy with it, you stick with it.  If you are not happy with your current plan, then there would be options for you.

    Go to and select "issues" to learn more.

  2. Who knows. She isn't president and any time soon hopefully.

    Government sponsored insurance is a bad idea. Look at everything else the govt has their hands in, it is horrible and overpriced. Remember, we get to pay for all govt plans.

    As a kid, we were poor and I had to go to county health clinics. It was the worst care I have had since. It did make me decide that no matter what I was going to work hard and make something of myself.

  3. ok. i am soo confused... what?????

  4. First of all, I'll be honest upfront, she's not my favorite.  But please keep in mind that any plan she thinks she has, she doesn't.  As president, she doesn't make the laws.  They have to go through Congress and the Senate, before they would get to the President for approval.  Nothing she proposes will be the same when it reaches her desk.

    This is actually true of all the candidates on any of the subjects that they care to discuss, such as Social Security, the economy, or education.

  5. Don't even worry about Hillary-care. It is a pipe dream at this point. Your question is like asking if Darth Vader's helmet is covered by medicare.

  6. her health plan is the same as her husbands - nothing. and i am a dem i swear!

  7. For a short period of time you might be able to keep your plan but eventually her plan would cause such an explosion in insurance rates that everyone will be screaming for another solution and then we would end up with government style healthcare. Don't go down that path! Here's more info:



  8. If it's true Universal Health Care, as Hillary is stating means everybody has the same care ... the Doctors work for the Government, basically.  Nice, Huh?  The Democrats really want to go full social medicine with this so everybody gets treated equal.  I'm ascared!

  9. I found this article interesting on Clinton vs Obama Health Plans

  10. dont vote for hillary...please. i really think that if she is president than the world will end.

  11. if you make enough money you should be able to buy your own health insurance through your husbands job, thats why im not voting for hillary

  12. If you like Hillary Clinton, this disqualifies any sort of meaningful conversation, sorry.

  13. Socialsm is never good if you want to be rich!

  14. Her health plan is universal health care--meaning healthcare for everyone. I think the family will be covered under the new health plan. I'm rooting for Hilary too and I hope this new health plan really comes into play if she is elected as the new President. I believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy life regardless of financial stability :)

  15. Ok, so Hillary doesn't have a Health Plan.  She tried to implement one during her husbands reign in office and it never got off the ground.  Soooo best not to start planning your future health coverage based on Hillary.  Get your own plan.


  17. It's really too early to be asking such questions.  First off you need to ask yourself, do you really want to pay for such a plan, endure the wait times on such a plan or think she even has a remote chance of getting it through congress?  Let alone will she even get the Dem. nomination?  Stay on your hubby's plan and worry about the children in another Clinton regime.

  18. This would not effect you beinf a house wife.  if any thing it will make sure you can actually stay home and become a house wife because then you could be covered with out your husband covering a huge payment to health insurance like some people have to pay.  for my son my Ex has to pay over $250 a month and a $1000 deductable.  To tell you the truth there is no reason universal health care would acually hurt America.  oh and if some one says universal health care would go against you privacy Think again Hipaa is in place an no one wants to mess with those privacy laws that are already in place.

  19. I don't think that any of us could know this until an actual plan is passed. I do know that I don't like the idea of the government running our health care. We are too large of a country for them to do this efficiently and they don't have a good track record with other programs (social security is a good example).

    Look at other countries that have universal health care, it's a mess and will probably even be worse here.

  20. Hillary is like a monkey with a hand grenade, you never know whats gonna happen!!!!!!!

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