
Hillary Clinton on Foreign Policy?

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I am not voting for her. I just need info.




  1. Yep, your details on on this question says it all!

  2. yeah, the only foreign policy she knows about is when her husband visited every country in the world during his presidency...............

  3. You have been asking many good quesitions, however, you have not been getting very many good answers.  I guess that is your answer.


  4. Hillary Clinton just like any other Democrat is anti-war as a foreign policy.

  5. thats about it a big 0

  6. Like everything about her it sucks. She  has only one and that is to cut and run and then totally sell out the country to terrorist.

    The End is Nigh!!!!!

    Better load up the guns we're gonna need 'em if she gets elected. (that is if she'll let us keep 'em)

  7. Her position on Foreign policy changes daily.  The one constant is that it will cost us money, probably a lot of it.

  8. Not sure yet.....Maybe she will fill us in by next November! All I know is she wants our troops home. To tell you the truth I don't know where she stands on much except when it comes to the "present administration".

  9. Oil anyone?

  10. zero on that one..shes all about raising taxes and spending it in this country

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