
Hillary Clinton seems to be losing to Barak Obama...why has Hillary stalled out in this primary?

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I have my own theroies...I think it's a compilation of many factors...what do you guys think?




  1. I think that people have gotten tired of hearing the constant negative criticisms and false accusations. And when she says that she is honored to sit next to Obama one minute ant then the next day says shame on you, she looks really fake. I don't think that she realizes that people are paying attention to everything that she says and does. Three months ago she was my first choice but since then i have seen her dodge questions, and change her position on issues from month to month. Allot of other people are seeing the same things.

  2. It`s all media hype.

  3. I think this ad is a perfect example of one reason:

  4. Bottom line, Barak is getting black voters to come out of the woodwork.  That's what's making a difference.  (that and money!).  

    Unfortunately, I just don't see Barak Obama tackling all the issues at stake.  First, he will make mistakes, learn the system.  Sure, he wants to change Washington, but that will take years.  I don't think he will be able to act as quickly as he thinks.  We can stop our economic hemorraging within a year with the Clintons!

    I don't think Barak is in full command of his destiny.  Many times he seems puzzled at questions, wheras Hillary Rodham Clinton is usually all over the issue.  

    I also question his patriotism.  On more than one occasion he has given disregard to patriotic gestures.  As a public figure, that should never be in question.

    I also can't get used to saying President Barak Hussein Obama

    Not yet at least.

  5. It is amazing to hear that people want Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race.  Barack and Hillary are separated in by less than 2% of the Delegates.  It is basically a tie contest.

    This is the most important office in the world.  It would be rediculous to drop out until you are mathmatically eliminated.  Just look at Mike Huckabee he does not even have a chance anymore and he is still in it.

    Hillary should stay in the race until Mathmatically Eliminated.  I would do the same.  She would not be where she is today if she were a quitter.  Why did'nt Barack Obama quit in the beginning of the race when he was a 20% underdog nationwide?

  6. People just aren't falling for the same old Okey-Doke anymore.  Senator Clinton, her ideas, and her inadequate approach is the same traditional recipe warmed over and garnished.

    Times have changed, the fabric of America has changed yet Senator Clinton is following the same old, outdated, good ole boy playbook that she has relied upon for "thirty-five years".

    Obama is winning because he embodies mind, body and soul, a break with tradition, which is what is needed in these times, if you are aware.  O'bama is the CHANGE who's time has come and nothing and no one can stop it.  God say's so.

  7. Because everything the Ice Queen has touched has turned to S**t, including her own campaign. When she worked on universal health care under Bill's administration, she alienated just about everyone on the project and it flopped anyway. There is substantial documentation that she verbally abused various Secret Service officers assigned to protect her. Her "It Takes A Village" nonsense insults parents wishing to raise their children without government interference. There are many, many more examples. She is an elitist hypocrite lying scag.

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