
Hillary Clinton supporters...will you vote for McCain/Palin? ?

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Even though she is pro-life?




  1. I think all of the Clinton supporters that are not crazy and have gotten over the fact that SHE LOST FAIR AND SQUARE will not vote for McCain/Palin.  Palin has shown that she is just as politically inept as McCain and Bush, and she has also shown that she is not a leader by constantly voting in line with McCain.  No she is only a token.

  2. yes

  3. this is pathetic.  she will never compare to Hillary.  Palen is nothing more then a prissy snoot.  Hillary is intellegent and Palen acts like a dizzy blond!

  4. YES!!!

    McCain/Palin 2008

  5. I'm pro-jobs, so probably vote Dem.

  6. YES !!! Not only is she a fighter for ALL the little people but actually has more public office experience 14yrs. than obama 2yrs and has taken on BIG business for the little people and WON ... She is CHANGE not obama all he wants is to be put there with MLK as a fighter for blacks, well sorry guy there's more than blacks in this country who need help and I think in her we everyday Americans have found someone to Champion our causes and who will really fight for all of us even if our skin isn't black

  7. I think that most hillary supporters... (at least the ones that really are and not the ones pretending to be on the Y/A site) would look at the issues that represent who they want instead of voting for someone who thinks that he can slap a female name on the ballot and women would fall over trying to vote for him... we are not that gullible , look at the candidate who will represent the issues that are important to you...

  8. None of your business  

  9. NOWAY she doesn't have enough experience at all!!!!!!!! He's playing a game. Its so clear that he just picked her because she's a women.  

  10. I think many hillary supporters would vote for McCain despite who was his VP running mate


    and i LOVE McCain's choice for V.P

    and the fact that she is pro- life doesn't really matter much to me... it is a very small issue in the scheme of it all

  12. NO! Obama and Biden is way more of a intelligent choice

  13. what do you think of palin calling hillary a whiner, if your die hard for clinton this should upset you right? I think a real woman would want to make change for the good of america, our future, our children's future VS picking any woman just because she is a woman. Why cant we just celebrate the fact our daughters can now be president, that a woman has made it so far. Why must we insist we should have a woman in office even if it means hurting America further? I am all for women's rights, my daughter says she wants to be president now and i can tell her go for it, but i still cant elect a woman unless she stands on my issues. when it really comes down to it the issues and how we solve them are most important.

  14. Pathetic! If you are a die hard Hillary supporter, that means you are pro-choice, pro-jobs, pro-progressive economy, pro-climate change, pro-energy reform, pro-education, pro-universal healthcare and pro-civil and individual liberties. It's great that McSame picked a woman but she is not our Hillary Clinton.  

    And for the lady who thinks Palin has more experience than OBAMA, news flash, she doesn't. The lady governs a state that has more reindeer's than people.  You mentioned that she has 16 years of experience, well 6 of those years, she ran for office but didn't win. That doesn't quiet qualify as experience. Obama has 20 years of experience in public service, education, civil rights law and the US Senate. Not to mention he attended some of the best schools in the country, Columbia University and Harvard Law School. His list of accomplishments does exist but most of you are still too bitter to realize that policy-wise, Obama and Clinton are carbon copies of each other. If this election was ever about this country, you are getting the same dream Hillary promised us, just in a different package.  Return the McSame/Palin package back to sender. Not interested!

    I hope you wake up and smell the coffee before Nov. 4th and vote for OBAMA. I would hate to see you vote against everything Hillary stands for.

    No Way, No How, No McCAIN!


  15. No, I'm going for a 3rd party candidate as I don't believe either Obama or McCain are capable of running the government (and turning it around) in its current super crappy state.

  16. What an insult to women of America to suggest that they only look at gender when deciding which candidate to support. Even the most shallow look at how they stand on the issues shows that they are close to opposites.

    Despite this, there undoubtedly are some who are indeed that superficial. Fortunately though, these are people who can't be bothered to vote anyhow.

    I already know of one leaning-McCain supporter who is now firmly in the yes-for-Obama column because of this remarkably naive choice.

  17. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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