
Hillary/Palin will run against each other 2012? ?

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Hillary devoted 30 years of her life to a party that dissed her and discraded her like an old mule. Her dream to make history shattered. Do you think we’ll see a Hillary vs Palin in 2012?




  1. its possible

  2. Excuse me, I've BEEN a member of that party you're discussing for the last 21 years, and this is obscene.  You know those 18, 000,000 cracks in the glass ceiling Palin said Hillary made, lifting that comment straight out of Michelle Obama's speech without any attribution?  She made them among mostly Democrats.  She ran a healthy primary of which we were all very proud and Barack Obama got more votes.  In every election, BOTH PARTIES tend to steer who they want the winner to be for whatever reasons they have,  and our party pulled for Obama this year.  She was neither "dissed" nor "discraded"  (what is God's name is "discraded?"  Oh, discarded.  Oh, okay.), and if by saying she was discarded, you mean that she had to be selected as VP to not have been discarded, did it ever occur to you that she perhaps didn't want the position?  Did it ever occur to you that perhaps Obama and Clinton both felt that the working chemistry was not right?  Or, did it EVER occur to you that it was felt that perhaps the COUNTRY ISN'T READY for a black man AND a woman on the same ticket - that maybe that's a little too much progress all at once?

    As to Palin, if she's not successful this time, I don't imagine we'll see her anywhere except Alaska and possibly the House of Representatives (I just don't picture her as a senator, but I suppose that's possible too).  For all her talk about having actual Washington experience being a BAD thing, I think she's going to find that it might have come in handy, win OR lose.


    All well and good, but I think there' s a certain unspoken understanding that when a Democrat borrows the statement to discuss Hillary, it's flattering.  When a Republican does it, it's disingenuous.

    Furthermore, I'm sorry, but Palin is rather nasty in my opinion.    I would hardly be excited by the prospect of ever having to see or hear her again (and that voice is simply inexcusable).

  3. No, it will be President Obama against Jeb Bush.

    Republicans will try to put another Bush into power in order to destroy America.

  4. How did "the party" do that?  She didn't get enough votes to become president and she stuck her foot in her mouth too early to become VP.  

    I think that if they were to run against each other, Hillary would win in a landslide.

  5. That could be the scenario for 2012.. she will be crashed by Hilary...Palin knows how to bark that's all she can do against Hilary.. there are no comparing at all

  6. That'll be interesting to see if it happens

    McCain For President

  7. No, Obama will be going for a his second term, and the republicans will probably nominate Jeb Bush.

  8. I feel bad for Hillary...I voted for her in the primary btw.  I cannot stand Palin, even though she reminds me of a s**y librarian that one would see in a porno.  ...Anyway, I am getting off topic here.  

    Mitt Romney will run again in 2012, and be the republican nominee.  ...Just watch.  We haven't seen the last of Mitt.

  9. No--Hillary Clinton's dreams will never be "shattered" as the next four years and her stronger voice will prove.  Sarah Palin does very well in her element up North--she will return all the wiser.  

    Hillary will face the meanest and most experienced bulldog in the pack as Republicans try to wiggle out of the milk-toast McCain administration.  


  10. damnit woman lets get past this election first before we start talking about that nobody cares about real politics anymore you just care about race and gender

    if hitler came back from the dead as a woman i bet youd vote for him just cuz of his gender

  11. possible..but by that time Palin would have ben in the White Hose as VP for 4 years and that experience alone will put her over the top and into been elected President!

  12. That would be great, two smart capable women!!! It's funny how the progressive Dems. have shown sexism, and destroyed their best candidate, and the conservative Reps have embraced their strong women!!!

  13. You know you're right about that, the Democrats really did her dirty during this election, I never really saw that.

    To answer you question, NO, if Palin is in the white house this January that means McCain will go for re-election in 2012.

  14. Why would Hillary run against Obama after his 1st successful term in the White House. Hillary will be placed on the Supreme Court, she will serve out the next 20 years of political life, she can decide on issues that are important to the legacy of her and her husband.  

    The Clinton's are on board with Obama/Biden, this is just a ploy by the RNC, if we look deeper we will see that most of our media is own by a few people and most of the owners are RNC supporters

  15. No comparison!

    Hillary is THE bridge to Somewhere.  Palin is THE Bridge to Nowhere.

    If they do wind up running, Hillary will win hands down.

  16. We may if Obama loses.  If he wins she will probably have to wait till 2016 unless she would run against him.  By that time Sarah will probably have 4 years & be running for her 2nd term.  Hillary may have lost all chances when Obama chose a less qualified running mate.

  17. No

  18. No and her is why..... Hillary and "some Americans" think that HIllary is the only possible woman candidate for president. Last night totally proved this theory wrong. Which I have said all along. Hillary is old news now. Palin just proved that there are true American women out there that can hold office, do a great job, and be charming to the public all at the same time. Hillary can't do this. I say she will never be on a presidential ticket again. That's just my opinion. However, I am usually right,lol.

  19. Her party did not discard her at all. She simply didn't win the primaries. She will be part of Obama's cabinet and will run in 8 years against Palin...and WIN.

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