
Hillary Supporters, A Question About Sarah Palin?

by Guest21412  |  earlier

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A question to those who voted Hillary in the primary...

When you first heard McCain chose Sarah Palin as his VP, what more closely resembled your reaction?

#1- "YAY! Go McCAIN!!! You chose a woman VP, now I'm more likely

to vote for you."

#2- "John McCain, you pathetic panderer. I can't beleive you're so low

as to try to replace Hillary with any woman you could find on your

ticket, even if that woman stands against almost every issue

Hillary stands for. If anything, I'm more likely to support

Obama/Biden because you've insulted me by thinking women are

that shallow and gullable."




  1. i wasn't a hillary supporter, but i know when i am being patronized and i hope other women do as well... and mccain is patronizing us.

  2. I know Sarah personally so I am biased. I was thrilled to hear about her nomination because I know what she has done in the past.

    I guess the answer to your question lies in the answer of why you voted for Hillary in the primary.

  3. Im thinking this is maybe just a setup for Condi in 2012.  As now, Im seeing a lot of posts comparing the qualifications.

  4. Mine was:  Oh, McCain is so patronizing that he thinks each v****a-American is interchangeable with every other one.


  5. 2..this really goes to the meat of the matter when it comes to McCain and his ability to make the right many republicans are shocked by his choice but as we all know they will support there candidate for the sake of the party..I wonder how many republicans are jumping ship..that is the question to ask...

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