
Hillary Supporters, will you vote McCain Palin?

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Now that McCain has Sarah Palin, a Pro Life, Pro NRA candidate on his ticket, does this appeal to those Hillary supporters who threatened to vote for John McCain if Barack Obama became the Democratic nominee?




  1. No in a million year, im with obama now

  2. Palin doesn't hold the same views as Hillary.

    Do she and McCain think that Hillary's supporters are THAT stupid?

    I get sick and tired of hearing how Palin chose to have her child with down syndrome.

    Because the point is she exercised her right to choose.

    Now she and John McCain want to take away other women's rights to choose simpy because they don't make the same choice as Palin did.

    I don't think Hillary's supporters, who are pro-choice, will be voting for a woman who will vote AGAINST them.

    That's illogical.

  3. I think it's a shame that the GOP has taken so long to let a woman join a Presidential ticket. Everyone knows they are a sexist party.  Even Geraldine Ferraro would admit it if she was not a racist. It's obvious McCain only did it in a desperate effort to get Hillary's 18 million votes, I applaud people who stick to their guns and vote on the issues, not on gender, or racial prejudices.  Would McCain have even considered Palin if Hillary's campaign was not successful at getting some of America's women united for the cause of feminism? I think not.

  4. Absolutely not. I'm a democrat. I voted for Clinton because I agree with her on the issues; not because she has a v****a.

  5. To quote Sen. Clinton:


  6. Seriously, do you think anyone who supported Hillary would switch?  I suppose there will be a few who are either very naive/ignorant that supported Hillary ONLY because of her genitalia.  Certainly no thinking woman who believed that Hillary was the best choice for running this country will be swayed by a totally right wing fundamentalist!

    If that was McCains plan, he must really believe women are dumb.

  7. I was a Hillary Supporter and I will be voting for Mccain and Palin this November. I will be proud to vote for the Repulican base.

  8. I go with the better person, to me the party doesn't matter, if I know this person will do WHAT IS RIGHT FOR AMERICA


  9. This Hillary supporter will be voting for McCain with a big smile on my face.

  10. Never , now i'm for Obama

  11. I'm thinking about it because we need atleast one person who is in touch with reality

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