
Hillary Turned Mccain Suppoters question?

by Guest55618  |  earlier

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why are you guyGoing to Mccain? Just why, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have Identical Policy's, and then they are going over to McCain. Please Don't tell me any of this "Experience B.S" cause Obama has Biden as his second, and has all the Good Democrats like the Clinton's, the Carters, the Gores, and the Kerry's just to name a few. He also has Advisers to help him out too. I believe McCain will kill off most of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that for every Troop we send there 3 will die... That's why we need to pull out. Obama on the other hand will Talk to Semi-Enemy Countries like Russia, China, and Iran, so we could make the world a better place. All these people keep saying that he will raise our taxes- but that's not true, he will raise the Taxes ONLY for the wealthy, unlike Bush who lowered Taxes for Rich people. If you Hillary/McCain Supporters really cared about poor people, and were True Democrats, you would stay within the party. I respect McCain alot, but i don't think hes right for this country. Although i am a Moderate Republican ( I can't vote and I'm 12 years old) I hope Obama gets in. Now, you people might be thinking to your selves as you read this, "Don't listen to this kid, he does not know what hes talking about." or "This kid should be outside Playing with his friends instead of worrying about Politics." The truth is, i am VERY smart for my age, and i do care about Politics, I do care about the Future of the United States of America. Well. that is all, but REMEMBER

Do not type anything promoting those small time Parties like the Reformists, Libertarians and the Green Party. Oh and by the way, I typed this Myself, and did not have help from anybody at all. Thank you that will be all.




  1. let's see Hillary said McCain has a lot of experience and Obama made a speech in 2002. Biden said Obama is not ready to be president.Bill Clinton is a liar and everyone knows that and neither he or Hillary like Obama. All Bore is living in a dream world and thinks he is president still. quite a group of advocates don't you think. then too Obama has G.D. America Wright . the mob  from Chicago. a proud terrorist Ayers, a record of not voting in congress.he is well versed in Islam he thinks there are 57 states and there are 57 islamic states. he is an elitist who thinks you  cling to your gun and bible in times of trouble. he can't speak without a teleprompter, less his true nature be revealed.  

    Hillary and everyone else should be going to McCain for president. We need a patriotic American in the White House.

  2. Obama associated with Richard Ayers - who is a convicted terrorist.  In fact during the time Obama and Ayers were working together Ayers stated that he regretted that he was not able to kill more people during his terrorist years.

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