
Hillary Won the Popular Vote. So Why Isn't She the Nominee?

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Sure seems like the Democrats used dirty tricks and weird rules to take away her chance.




  1. Answer:  High school government  -- perhaps you should have payed attention

    it's not about the popular vote, it's about the states you win and thus the delegates that you earn

  2. She aint black.

  3. Same reason Gore isn't president.

    Because those aren't the rules you whiney sore loser.

  4. The democrats do elections that way. Look how they tried to steal the last two presidential elections they lost.

  5. The same reason George Bush is President.  We all know Gore had the Popular Vote in 2000.

  6. Because Barack Hussein Obama is an uppity usurper who showed no HONOR to the Clintons this season

  7. she isnt black and foreign born

  8. Obama got more delegates. Isn't that what you have to get to get the nomination?

    You want to talk about dirty tricks and downright cheating look at the last two elections.  

  9. Obviously Chad didn't vote

  10. ITS ABOUT THE DELEGATE COUNT...HE BEAT HER..PLAIN & SIMPLE.......FAIR AND SQUARE....Please accept the inevitable

    Hilary is a Loser in more ways than one.

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