
Hillary and obama unity meeting,did you get goose bumps??

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Hillary and obama unity meeting,did you get goose bumps??




  1. it was real. come on guys. dems do this all the time. these are real caring sincere human beings. all that, " your mother is so fat when she turns around she's in two states at the same time" stuff is just playing politics. haven't you heard, democrats love everyone. why, there God's gift to the rest of us poor shmucks.

  2. yess

    it felt like soon to be victory

  3. Rather, a bumped goose!

  4. I gagged a lot.

  5. I wish I was more inspired, but it was oh so...Political!

  6. No, I got an upset stomache.

  7. No....But I did feel like I wanted to PUKE!!!!!!!

  8. No, but Immodium cleared up the reaction I did get.

  9. It was a real kum-bha-yah moment. All politically staged acting.

    They are both true liars.

  10. NO

  11. Total up chucking experience

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