
Hillary being a child again?

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Hillary has been claiming all along that her and Obama are very simular in their political views, so why is it when Hillary loses there are so many of her supporters planning on supporting McCain rather then their own party? Is this a sour grape issue??? Pretty immature if you ask me. Or maybe is this the time when Hillary will change her views on the war once again and begin supporting the war?




  1. The republicans would prefer to see Hillary win the primaries because they know her and her record much better than they know Obama's record. There is little doubt that if Hillary is nominated McCain will be elected. She has used almost the same arguments that McCain has and McCain has far more experience (real experience - not make believe) than Hillary). If Obama is nominated the Republicans will have a tougher time getting back into the White House. Of the three Hillary is the only one I would definitely NOT vote for; I am still undecided between Obama and McCain. McCain, like Hillary, has been a part of the worst government we have had. He and she would bring the same problems into the White House that has all but destroyed our economy and quality of life.

  2. well honestly if the caucuses didnt exist or if the democrats ran the primaries like the republicans then hillary would have already won. she would have blown obama out of the water! and too the caucuses dont exist in the general election so we will see how obama stands if he is the nominee. also its not hillary telling everyone to vote for mccain if shes not the nominee. she claims to support obama if he is elected. so its her own supporters who see through obama and know they dont want him. she has nothing to do with that. and finally she could have never spoke out against the war initially, even if she was against it. dont you remember what it was like back then. nearly 85% of the US was for the war. she would have been ruined for life! yeah a nobody like obama maybe could have said no, cuz like i said, he was a nobody. but heres the killer, obama had no say so in that vote. he has only been a senator for 2 years . he might have been personally against the war, but he never voted. and if he had i wonder which way he would have went??? and too, even though he was against it, since being a senator, he has voted yes to all the funding for the war. why would he do that if he's against it? you tell me cuz you are obviously so d**n smart!

  3. Isnt his in the wrong section? go ask in the Election or politics sections

  4. No, Hillary's supporters tend to be more moderates like McCain. Obama's supporters tend to be more leftist and socialist like Obama. Obama and Hillary hate each other and it carries down to their followers. 28% of Hillary supporters say they will vote for McCain if Hillary doesn't win the nomination, and 19% of Obama supporters say they will vote for McCain if Obama doesn't win the nomination. That was on a TV poll yesterday.

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