
Hillary cannot manage her house how will she manage healthcare?

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Crazy Hillary want to penalize people that do not want to keep their insurance !!

seriously, we are paying Cigna $100 a week for insurance because our son needed surgery but we want to be able tond to opt out when we want to.




  1. To JazzMan:  

    The only reason she didn't kick Bill out is because she needs him for her political agenda.  Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. Do you really want an answer to a legitimate question or did you come here solely to make a snide statement about Mrs. Clinton?  If you do want an answer, it is this:  She is and has remained married, she has given birth to a daughter who, now is an adult that admires and supports her, and she gives much of her time and energy to help others less fortunate than herself.  So, she manages her house very well.

  3. She did manage her house.  Her home is still together.

  4. Hmmm, it probably has something to do with the fact that those two things have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

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