
Hillary clinton-divorce?

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Now that Hillary has lost the democratic nomination for the presidency, how long do you think it will be befor she files for divorce. I think she only stayed married so that she could someday run for the highest office in the land.




  1. Bill is freaking HOT!! Why would she want a divorce??

  2. The big picture is that bill and Hillary are part of a very sophisticated gang and thats been since they were in control of little rock and also with the Nixson admin . The bushwhackers control all of their gang members . And with Bill and Hillary Clinton their eating cake  while your eating Mud

  3. I don't think it'll take very long, til she files. Why stay

    married to a perpetually unzipped goober like him,

    who trips over his lips every time he opens his mouth,

    unless it was to try to be prez?

    Of course, if she get nominated to be Vice-prez, she

    will hang onto him for the married vote.

  4. She'll wait until after she loses the 2012 election to Obama again.

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