
Hillary cry again!How does it ties with what happened during the Monica Lewinski affair?

by Guest62348  |  earlier

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Hillary Clinton is a mother of passion and she has undergone heartbreak with her husband but endures it.The Monica lewinski affair has much to tell of her courage and forgiveness to what her husband did.

Lately she was also crying during her Democratic presidential primary campaign in New Hamsphire.How does it ties to her care and concern for folks.Or it is just a means to lull voters.





    Hillary did not cry because of the Lewinsky Scandal. Never in public. Two reasons : not the first affair & future aspirations. If she had we would have perhaps felt like there was some reality to sobb not tears, before New Hampshire primaries. Perhaps it was emotional because her campaign funds were reported at $20  mil left down from the $300 mill she flaunted last year. How in just two primaries that is the case I don't know.

    Hillary '08 reportedly sent in some Clinton Administration cronies. One got arrested last week for DUI. There were reports of emails sent to Obama supporters about his not wearing the American flag pin and so forth. And of course now we hear more about the Fairy Tale speach including legendary finger Bill made and Dr King slights from Hillary.

    There is no remorse. Only more words and action. Anything to get elected, again.

    Google Sally Bedell Smith and her book

    For the Love of Politics

    that may also shed some light on the topic. Thank you.

  2. Forgiveness..u have to be kidding me!  Remember that old song that was just remade by FERGIE?   "BIG GIRLSDON"T CRY?"

  3. It's all about politics, to get your vote.

  4. I'm not a Hillary supporter at all, but I believe the emotional moment in her voice was sincere, the result of tiredness. I don't think it was in any way a ploy for sympathy, nor do I think that would be any indication of a weakness in her governance.

    Everyone shows emotion; does that mean they're weak? Again, I'm not a Hillary supporter, and she can be scheming, but I don't think HERE.


  5. It's all about politics.  You think she would have stayed with Bill knowing he cheats on her all the time if she didn't need him for politics?  She's cold hearted - don't fall for they crying.

  6. thats funny coming from a woman that probably cries every other day. it is women like you, that putwomen back 100 years no wonder women didnt have any rights forever yours needs to be revoked only a hypocrite would bring this up again

  7. They have a political marriage then don't really love each other. Hillary has her assistants plant onions under her podium. That heartless woman could never squeeze out one tear otherwise.

  8. She didn't cry when she found out about Monica, she cried when the rest of the world found out about it. Other than that she couldn't have cared less.

  9. Strangely enough, most people really dislike Hillary for not showing any emotions during the Monica-scandal.

    It probably sealed her reputation as a cold-hard b*tch, which is most unfortunate since it wasn't her fault.

    The public punished her for staying with Bill despite his infidelities.

    Someone told me she would probably gained more sympathy by ditching Bill because of that and she would have an easier time during election time.

    But she took the harder road because she believed in her marriage. She didn't want the easy way out.

    She persevered and endured the humiliation.

    Hillary is a winner, a Phoenix out of the ashes.

  10. Women tend to be more emotional. I say give her a Chance she can't do any worse then Bush.

  11. I think all of us knows that when a woman cries she can almost get anything and thats what Clinton did.She will do anything to get the most powerful seat in the world .I think she is not a good actress because when I saw her cry on the television, I thought I was watching a rated D movie in which the actress was crying but without feelings. She should enroll first in the actors guild before she attempt to cry again. I will vote for anybody even for Donald duck except for another Clinton!

  12. Well she has obviously endured so much over the course of her life and career. The fact that she (almost) cried showed that she cares so much and so deeply about ensuring that the next president we choose is one that takes us forward and not backward.

  13. OMG, let's get past the crying!! She stayed with Bill because she didn't want to hurt her life long ambition of going to the White House! He was, and is her best chance to get elected. Aren't you amazed that an impeached president it so popular?

    Now, what concerns me the most, is that she claims to have 35 years of experience when she is a junior senator just like Obama.

    Your question is in regards to Hilary, but take a look at the records of the others too. And think for yourself! We can't base our precious vote on the fact that someone promises anything. We need to look at the record. Hillary also has a long record of scandal which appears to be overlooked. She may not have a conviction, but her name keeps coming up. This is not true of many of the others.

    Regarding records, Huckabee has more EXECUTIVE experience then any of the other candidates. Romney has an exceptional record in working with the other side to get things done. He passed legislation in Massachusetts, the BLUEST state, including healthcare without increased taxes. McCain's record is substantial in terms of consistency, and getting things done too. Obama has a consistent record too; albeit short. Edwards has an excellent political record as well.

    Don't believe every promise you hear. Before you vote, check the record for crying out loud.

    Anybody but Hillary!

    BTW - It ain't about Bush, it's about who we elect next!

  14. Hillary stayed married because honestly, who elects a divorced woman for president?  That's why Rudy doesn't have a chance either.  Their marriage, in my opinion, isn't based on love as much as it is a business proposition.  I think the tears are a show to get votes.

  15. very good actress

  16. I really don't think that Hillary had Monica Lewinski on her

    mind during the presidential primary. I think she is a real &

    true person. She was touched and showed it. I like that. She

    insn't made of stone. As you said, She has undergone a lot.

    She is tough because of it.

  17. she'll do what it takes to get a vote just like the rest of them

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