
Hillary fans, are you switching over to McCain and Palin?

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Or are you voting democrat?

Do you like how McCain thought outside the box? Is that what we need for our country?




  1. As a staunch, lifelong Republican woman, I can tell you that I am appalled at John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. Our approach to diplomacy with international countries has faltered in the past few years. John McCain is not an adept diplomat, nor economist, nor executive. Sarah Palin offers no appreciable strength in these areas, either.

    Now that the world press has weighed in, it is apparent that other world leaders are concerned, considering John McCain's age and prior medical problems, that they may end up dealing with this token woman that has been selected. There is no doubt that Sarah Palin was selected to increase John McCain's chances of election. And he may just win the election, but then what? Well, then, if we lose John McCain, we Americans will be in big, big trouble domestically and internationally.

    I find myself likely unable to vote the Republican ticket for the first time in my life. Rather than being draw to the ticket because I am a woman, I will be unable to vote Republican because of the feeble qualifications of the woman John McCain has selected. I despise tokenism, and this act of tokenism has put our country at risk. Bad move, Mr. McCain. I fear that you have not only failed to attract Hillary Clinton's supporters, rather than attract women Democrats to your ticket, you have likely driven away Republican women voters who had every intention of voting for you until this very, very poor first decision.

    Oh, Lord, I may be turning into an Obamacan, as they say.

  2. Democrats are stuck in the twentieth century. Same old washington politics as it has been for 250 years.  McCain realizes there must be a REAL change. abomo speaks of change, but picks a genuine washington insider.  McCain gets a fresh, new face that will re-vitalize this nation and once again give true meaning to the word, "change". Not just lip service. Way to go, Johnny boy. We're behind you.

  3. This duo has even further damaged the Republican brand and many of us are so gleeful!!!!!!!!!  The Rebulicans who spent hard won PAC money are in overdrive on damage control...Many Americans ask themselves how much further can Conservatives go in debasing themselves?  Credibility? her picture along side the founding fathers of the Once Great Nation, now France's Mr Skuzzy can rest from being the butt of jokes. Americans have The Comedy duo of MC INSANE GEEZER and the casting of a British Petroleum Oil industry convention Boom Boom Girl ....

  4. I'm with you PRINCESS. I can't believe that people would actually fall for that. I am really hoping that women can see thru this. What an insult.

  5. McCain thought outside the box? Where and when?

    Oh, you're referring to choosing a raving, frothing at the mouth fundie as a running mate as outside the box? Or choosing a woman? Neither qualifies.


    "Unless there is a right party and a wrong party"

    A two part y system is just a one party system with a better PR campaign, especially when both parties are fundamentally indistinguishable as they are in the States.

    So, no, there aren't a right and a wrong party. Just two wrong parties, which are effectively one.

  6. mccain pick is insulting to women, trying to buy us with his fake hillary. SHE CALLED HILLARY A WHINER DURING THE PRIMARIES ND NOW SHE IS PRAISING HER. WHAT AN HYPOCRITE

    PALIN is no HRC.

  7. After hearing Obama speak at AIPAC and realizing that Hillary was not going to be the nominee or the VP candidate McCain became an acceptable alternative to Obama's narcissim.  

  8. nah im sticking with the REpublicans...we don't need another DEMOCRAT IN THE OFFICE

  9. Why would someone who supported Hillary for months, then switched to Obama because his views and the democratic parties match their own, all of a sudden switch to McCain simply because he nominated a woman they never heard of for VP?  

    Picking a female VP is not "thinking out of the box".  It's transparent pandering which has the potential to backfire on McCain.

  10. I'm not a Hilary fan but I want to answer your question about McCain...I do like how he not only thought outside the box, but he also ACTED.  And to answer the second part of your question - yes, that's exactly what we need for the country.  Obama just talks and talks...he has never proven that he can back up what he states.

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