
Hillary fans: Are you also mad at Obama for asking for Hillary's support after he bashed her?

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Obama bashed Hillary during the primaries then all of a sudden wants her support! PATHETIC!

As a Hillary fan I am now going to vote for McCain! Because what Obama did was sickening!




  1. No, really, its time to move on.

    Asking for the support of those in your party after you won a primary, and giving your support to the person who did win - is what all candidates do all the time.

    And actually, I don't think he was that bad towards her, they were competing against each other. He could have brought up a lot of ungly things from the Clintons past, but he didn't.

  2. ya, they kissed and made up when they had their private meeting together and worked out a deal~!!!

    dont let your emotions overrun you and vote for McCain, for more war and bankruptcy just for spite~!!!

    Obama is working with her now, so stay with the "Good Guys", not the Good Ol Boys"~!!!

  3. Oh, so you've completely ignored the fact that Hillary attacked Obama first. Go vote McCain, we don't need people like you on our side, you'll fit right in with the right wing wackos

  4. I think it's silly to keep claiming that Obama was "bashing" Clinton.  They were two candidates running for office.  As such they tried to point out weaknesses in the other's platform, policies, etc.  If Sen. Clinton sees fit to support the party's nominee, why shouldn't the rest of us?

    Democrats 2008

  5. I was for Hillary too, but you are wrong.  He did not bash her, especially not compared to her bashing him.

    It was a heated primary, get over it.  It's politics.

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