
Hillary in office?

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How do you really feel about having a female or black man in office? do you honestly think america is ready for ether one and why?




  1. Yes, I believe that we are ready for either to become President.  If you believe in equality for all persons, then why not either of these two, both are qualified to run the race, it's just a matter of who people feel will try to do the most for all people.  It is the issues that matter & who you trust for the highest office in this country.  I trust Hillary!

  2. It is about time. Some of the deveoping countries are far ahead of USA in terms of electing head of states from members of minority and females. Electorates should exercise their rights to elect the best candidates irrespective of their ethnity or gender.

  3. I have no problem with a woman or a black man or woman

    as president if they are the best choice on the ballot, but

    Clinton and Obama neither will be that person so I will vote

    for John McCain.

  4. America is ready....the draft dodger's wife is not the one!!! she is  liar, and has really bad taste in a mate....or was that Ms Lewinski?

  5. I think Hillary, Our country needs a great leader. I'm not racist but

    Oboma Could be bad

  6. Yes, America is ready for a purple hermaphroditic president, as long as....

    Here is where most people get lost.  Pay special attention.

           They are the most qualified.
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