
Hillary is planning the assassination of Obama, will she get the death penality?

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Hillary is planning the assasination of Obama or wants obama gone heres what she said...

Yes, she said it. Here is the quote:

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it,"

* 6 minutes ago





  1. I would hope that she's above this, but it does sound very sinister.  It's like she was saying, "Just remember, RFK was the anticipated nominee, but he was assassinated and the underdog became the nominee instead....and I'm the underdog this time."  I can't help but think of the "Clinton Body Count", if anyone can remember that.

  2. I think you just might be taking it to the extreme a little bit, but I will agree that the choice of words she used in making that comment were very poor.

  3. This is at least the third time the Clinton Campaign has suggested the assassination of Senator Obama. Judging by some of the other things they have pulled, my guess is that they are planning to do him in then point to their comments to show how very smart they were to predict it. It also serves the purpose of getting the people used to the idea. This is a very old control technique used by politicians, and people claiming she had nothing to gain by the "slip" are hiding their heads in the sand.

    She got away with the murder of Vince Foster, and at least one Supreme Court member's opinion about politically motivated crimes is that we should "Get over it.".

    Time for the tide to change in Washington, don't you think?

  4. I wouldn't doubt it, but you don't need to perpetuate this.

  5. Shut up!

  6. It's probably not her main reason but i bet that's a thought in the back of her head. She's definitely not planning it that would be political suicide.

  7. leave her alone thats not what she meant, you just want her to drop out so get over it

  8. Interesting.  No,...I mean you are very interesting.

    To see it from that extreme of an angle.  You must have stayed up all night deciphering that theory.  This brings to mind one well known "Michael Myers", and his paranoid-driven "911" documentary.  But don't get me wrong, though.  Imagine if you could turn this into a political fictionized thriller. (change the names, of course)  You can have a best seller.  Maybe even a motion picture.  I'm not kidding, I'm a writer myself and you may have just given me my long awaited relief from writer's block, unless you use this concept first.

  9. The Clinton's are above the law.

    Even if she is proven to be up to that she will not get into any trouble!

  10. there is no doubt in my mind that there are some people who think that if obama wins , that there at least one attempt on obamas' life. but i hope that we are past all that and just judge presidents on what they do in the white house, and what kind of president he [or she], is.

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