
Hillary moped the floor with the Dem oponents at the debate, see it? She spoke specifics, the men spoke hotair

by  |  earlier

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I was pleasently surprised and she is smart as heck!




  1. there is no question she can project power.  no question she will say just what you want to hear.  she's the queen of the 180.  interesting to watch, but i wouldn't want to be driving down the road behind her.

  2. She probably can spell, too, or at least use a spell check. Maybe you should take a couple of pages out of her book.

  3. What did I tell you!

    Hillary is the best choice for America and for the world!

  4. You could be a sign of a problem. Stupid people who can't spell thinking someone is a good choice. If Queen Hillary gets elected can we afford all the money she wants to spend?

  5. Mopped the floor? Good! She needs to work on her domestic skills.

  6. When cons don't have an answer they always pick on the spelling. Lol! I guess their spelling must be infallible. NOT!

    (They forget that Dubya can't even read.)

  7. And moping floors is just what she needs to be doing.

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