
Hillary or Barrack...?

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and a short explanation why




  1. Obama, because he is going to win the Democratic nomination.

  2. is Racist and Sexist and the other is Sexist and Racist...McCain '08!

  3. Does not make one bit of difference. They are both worse than my worst nightmare multiplied by a factor of 100.

  4. Both would do.

    Barrack , first African-American President

    Hillary , first American woman President

    History in the making,either way

  5. Barrack cuz he supports the beaners

  6. barrack- i like his views, (don't judge me please)

    plus hillary would not really be running ( bill would)

  7. Does it really matter. If Obama is elected he will get shot by some racist. If Clinton gets elected she will get shot by some woman hating idiot.

  8. Clinton, all her experiences, electablity, and popular Vote

  9. With Barrack it will be 5 years and your country will be more rasist than you ever thought it would be possible. The whites will become poorer all the time and the goverment people will live like kings, most whites will be out of the goverment by then and your chaos will begin, what a mess it is going to be. We've been there, it's now 14 years for us. What can I say, the stadiums are not close to finnish for the 2010 games.
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