
Hillary or Guiliani? I know some of you don't prefer either one...but if you had to choose, which one and wh?

by Guest56850  |  earlier

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Please...only Hillary or Guliani...(not Blumberg or anyone else)




  1. Hillary

  2. Guiliani...Hilary just scares me (And so NOT in a good way).  She has since the first time whe was in the White House.

  3. If it came down to the these idiots, I would choose to simply not vote. ^-^

  4. Hillary, her name is last in the alphabet. with all other things being equal

  5. Bloomberg.  He is a true American success story.

  6. I would hope it does not come down to this. If Hillary becomes the democratic choice I will have to vote republican; however, if Giuliani is the republican candidate I will have to pass. I do not believe we can take another four or eight years with a republican as president but I KNOW we can not take Hillary as president. Both support illegal immigration and that is almost as serious as the Bush war (those who can remember the shoe pounding Krushev will understand the problem of allowing millions and millions of illegals to enter the United States and then giving them the rights and privileges at the expense of American Tax Payers they demand  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â“ Hillary or Giuliani will give them what they want)

  7. if I had to chose between them I would either not vote or vote for hillary

    not because I support her or any part of her platform but because I believe her election will start a civil war and bring about a much needed revolution here in the US

  8. Guiliani.

    Of course I would choose an amoeba over Hillary.

  9. Rudy because he will make America energy independent and  wipe out al qaeda and islamic terrorism.

    The verdict is already in; the terrorists want Hillary to be president.

    The terrorists do not want Rudy to be president because they are scared to death of him and that is what we need.

    Electing her thighness would be a disaster for America.

  10. It's spelled "Giuliani"  And it would be "Clinton or Giuliani" or "Hillary or Rudy".

  11. Guiliani.  

    Hillary would be better than any of the famous dictators:  Hitler, Stalin, Mao, maybe Castro.  But only marginally better.

  12. Hillary would destroy this country. Guillani is a better choice, although I would not vote for him unless necessary to destory Hillary's chances.

    The best choice would be Gingrich, although he is not running.

    Anything but a lying cheating crooked Clinton.

  13. Guiliani.  Never Hillary.

  14. guliani saved nyc...i lived it personally in nyc

    this is what hillary was part of with her husband

    - The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

    - Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*

    - Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

    - Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

    - Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

    - First president sued for sexual harassment.

    - First president accused of rape.

    - First first lady to come under criminal investigation

    - Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

    - First president to establish a legal defense fund.

    - First president to be held in contempt of court

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad

    - First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

    i think the results speak for themselves.

  15. Hillary. Guiliani is a phony clown. Even his own kids hate him.

    Clinton will be next prez. Count on it.

  16. Guiliani

  17. Guiliani because he is republican and agrees with alot of the same issues as I believe.  Though there are some I don't agree with him.  If it's between Hillary or Him... it's got to be Guiliani.

  18. Guiliani.   HRC has no experience in running anything. A longtime coworker of Hilliarious's gave an interview, and said HRC ruined the law firm she started with, riuned the Ed system in Ark., and is only possessed with getting more power.  VOTE FOR ANYONE BUT HRC

  19. Guiliani.

  20. Guiliani, hands down.

  21. anyone who is not named hillary

  22. Neither, but definitely not Hillary.  She strikes me as power-hungry but not actually doing anything with that power.

  23. I'm voting for hillary and  al gore, regardless

  24. Guiliani because he is a actual leader who got to where he was on his own. And so far he has been a more legitimate person in general. The clintons are nothing but scandals waiting to happen. clinton already has been acused of illegal contributions to her campain.

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