
Hillary or Obama? Hillary lowered the level of his speech to see that Obama is victorious.?

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Hillary or Obama? Hillary lowered the level of his speech to see that Obama is victorious.?




  1. What does that mean?

  2. Hillary is gonna lose because no one wants Billy boy back in the white house, preying on innocent interns



    can't even think of his own speeches! idiot!

  4. i heard saw on youtube a man saying he had s*x with obama is that true????


  6. The lesser of two evils is still just plain ol' evil.  the only thing you have to know is about FREEDOM... which of these people is talking about giving you back your FREEDOM so you don't have to live your life asking government, your servant, for permission to do everything in your life??? Are you ready for your Chip?  Do you know what their plans are?  Who is controlling all of this?  I don't think you're going to like what the New World Order has in store for you.  Google it.

    It's all rigged!  Presidents are chosen years ahead of time by the evil in power behind the curtain... the Bildeberger group, the Council on Foreign Relations... obama's wife sits on the Chicago Board of the CFR... coincidence, that all of the mainstream, establishment candidates are supported by the CFR?  It's all rigged!  It's all a lie!  Turn off your TV set and get a dose of reality... open wide now... the curtain is about to unfold to reveal to you the TRUTH  so you don't have to be disillusioned any more.  Start here:

    food for thought:   blackboxvoting

    If Ron Paul isn't the pres, then it doesn't matter which one of these minions the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations picks. All of the "establishment" candidates take their orders from the same behind the curtain devils ! The outcome will be the same... New World Order. Ready for your chip?

    Cast Your Vote...To The Wind?

    By Judy Andreas

    Source URL:

    The election is coming. (yawn) Everywhere you look and listen, you can hear the promises and platforms of the hopefuls. Are you going to cast your vote for the person who promises to breathe life into this dying country?

    Recently, I watched a video in which Jordan Maxell sharpened my vision through etymology. And so, in the Maxwellian tradition, I looked up the definition of the word "cast".

    "Cast" is defined as a group of people acting in a play or film. How appropriate. The election, as far I am concerned, is nothing more than theater. Call it what you may, but do not trick yourself into believing that your vote is going to make a difference. To an aging cynic like myself, this whole fiasco is reminiscent of a Broadway show. Les Miserables? The Lion (lying) King ?

    As usual, there appears to be little that is "candid" about the candidates.

    Initially, many people threw the proverbial hat into the ring. (a little circus terminology) However, as the days became months, several dropped out, and now, all that is left are the "serious" contenders. Among them are ...... a woman. (or a reasonable facsimile) a person of color (to the uninitiated, this appears to be progress) and even someone to appease the Patriot Movement. (who is Ron Paul?)

    "Ron Paul, is he still running?" A local radio host asked me not long ago. Ron Paul was not even on the ballot at this Host's local polling place.

    And, of course, there is John McCain, affectionately (?) called "the nut-job from Arizona"

    An often asked question is "How many people vote?" Google took this question to the next level: How many people vote for the US president compared to how many vote for American Idol???

    The answer, which you have probably guessed, is that the total number of votes in the last election for the president was 122,293,547, while the total number of Idol votes each week is about 40 million

    No comment needed.

    And so, the campaign limps along toward November. On that long awaited day, the candidate that was chosen at the last Bilderberger meeting will emerge from behind the curtain.

    An Internet personality recently said to me:

    "This agenda is above politics, as is the machinery which brings this Brave New World seamlessly together. Hundreds of NGO's shepherd us along the new green path, paid by the big foundations, interwoven with CIA, MI6 and all the rest. No one person could change this because it is a collectivist war where people give their power to a side or group that "speaks for them."

    However, this election may distinguish itself. Perhaps it will be remembered as the "most ridiculously early-starting contest in the history of US politics."

    "One of the problems will be keeping the voters awake. Political campaigns are, by tradition, dozers," says DC veteran Wes Pedersen, who runs an eponymous firm in Washington. "And this time candidates have so much more time to convince people that they are dullards."

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