
Hillary or obama?

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Hillary or obama?




  1. Obama - Hillary is too much of the politics as usual.

  2. obama

  3. no

  4. Ms. President Hillary Clinton

  5. Either one will be better than the c**p governing this country right now.

  6. Stalin or Marx?

  7. Neither

  8. Still no.

  9. Clearly Hillary. Never a vote for a Barack Hussein Obama. He's a snub and a snub is undiplomatic.

    PS check   Obama snubs Hillary.

  10. Ron Paul!

  11. Hillary !!

  12. Obama, Hillary is a good ole boy in a skirt. It will be more of the same. Bush, Clinton no difference, they're trying to tag team the country, I hope we don't let them.

    Most of the legislation that gave the mortgage and credit card companies the right to jack everybody started Old man Bushes admin. and Bill's just picked up where the old man left off. Pre-President Clinton, credit card company's couldn't charge you more than 12% per annum and the rate wasn't linked to the blah blah that's posted in the Wall St Journal on such & such a day.(read that little insert they send when they change your credit card agreement).


    Also Hillary lies, she said she "supported" immigration reform legislation in 2004 before Obama got to the Senate.

    First, you either author or co sponsor legislation.

    Second, There was no immigration legislation in the Senate in 2004.  

    If you watch ole Hillary every time she tells a lie she looks down. Before, during or after, it never fails. she's probably asking God not to strike her butt off the planet!

    And if you let the media tell you she got snubbed, I have palm tree in the backyard that you can even plant in snow and in the fall the leaves turn into $100 bills every fall you get at least $100,000 and I'll throw in a bushel all for the low price of $50 ; )

  13. I see them as essentially the same candidate, and from the way I've heard them speak, and the way I've heard "experts" speak about them on television -- it seems that they are, for the most part, one in the same candidate, except one is black, and the other is a woman.

    In all honesty, in determining who to vote for in the Ohio primary in March... I'm trying to determine who stands a better chance at the presidency (an African-American, or a female...) because I could really go either way.

  14. for what dog catcher?


  16. Hillary shes s**y lucky
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