
Hillary released a photo of Barrack Obama in an African outfit, How do you feel about this?

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We have all seen Hillary in her traditional "Butch L*****n" outfits. Nothing has been said about her poor taste in clothing. I mean really Obama is from African descent.




  1. The only thing worse than someone who loves W is someone who is so freaking obsessed with Hillary Clinton that they feel the need to ask ridiculous questions like this. If you are truly worried about the issues facing this country, stop focusing on infantile unimportant drivel and start making a MEANINGFUL contribution to the debate on policy. Stuff like this only helps to demonstrate that perhaps the vote should be subject to an IQ test.

  2. Got no problem with the picture.  Got no problem with him wearing the outfit.  Seen no evidence he is/was ever Muslim.  Don't care if he is/was.  Entirely beside any point I can think of.

  3. Hillary is awful! Her attitude, her platform etc.  I hope this backfires in her smug, constantly smiling puke face. I also hope that tons of awful pictures of her make it to the news.

    By the way, I am not a Barack fan.

  4. Politics! Argh!

    I have not heard of this story yet, but I really do not like that she's resorting to this. Is this supposed to make Obama look bad?! Obviously he's African American.

  5. How do you kow it was her, I think It was Obamas camp that did it for more publicity, he's rating go up each time he is attacked!

  6. I see nothing wrong with the picture... anymore than McCain visitng Scotland and wearing a kilt.

  7. You Obama supporters believe anything said how do you know she released any photo, and if he is ashamed of wearing a African outfit why did he allow his photo to be taken?

  8. I would really hate & be embarrassed if he ran around the White House like that.I can just see him coming down the steps now.That did it.Go Hillary.

  9. every white male Presidential candidate has been lambasted for wearing silly outfits. Anyone remember Michael Dukakis in a tank with a helmet, John Kerry trying to be a hunter.

  10. He's also part white, so what's your point?

  11. i think her ship is sinking faster then the titanic and she is doing anything she can to try and win back support, however all she is doing is drilling more holes into the side of the hull. i couldnt be happier.

  12. Man, the Guy looks Inspiring no matter WHAT He wears! Now, if we can JUST get Hillary to show alittle more Cleavage... -maybe she'd hold onto Texas!  :)

  13. so what that he's from an african descent...she's running a horrible campaign and if she continues to attack she's going to lose the primary

  14. finally, the truth comes out.

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