
Hillary says , " When non-violent offenders are done serving their sentences, their slate should wiped clean!"

by Guest64646  |  earlier

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Does this include non-violent s*x offenders? When they finish their sentence should their record be wiped clean and let them fade back into society, where they are unable to be located by law enforcement to keep an eye on them, in case they continue to molest children? Hillary said, " There are to many non-violent offenders in prisons and jails and she will free them and allow their slates and criminal records to be wiped clean to give them a second chance within society without strings or any restrictions hanging over their heads! Is this good, what is your opinion? Hillary was talking with a group in Compton, CA...trying to make amends with Black America, when she made the speech concerning this issue!




  1. you know d**n well what she meant,it is sickening to watch you nutthugging republicans reaching for what you think is a angle on anything a democrat says.get over it,she is going to be the next your beloved tom delay used to say..."america has spoken"

  2. Hillary learned from the master of pandering and lying, slick willie. She (and he) will tell anybody anything to sucker them in. What amazes me is the people fall for it every time. Seems that some people just never learn.

  3. s*x offenders are included as VIOLENT.  You are just twisting her words because you don't like her to begin with.

  4. Well this one is new.

    You can't generalize the whole thing she said. There are Laws and I could tell you for sure this would not include s*x Offenders. She did not say she was going to free them all either. Its for those who did some kind of crime which probably did not affect other people, such as stealing or stuff such as drugs or something. I have met couple of people who have become my friends, that when they were young they did bad things and they did pay for it and they are still being denied certain jobs because of this.

    So like everything my dear friend there has to be a process and they will be investigating each case.

    She would be much better president then the one we already have who has been doing nothing but spending are money for this war. OK probably any of the candidates would be better.

  5. Ask her if this includes Jack Abramof

  6. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! I think she's on crack.

  7. It's all political rhetoric.  Nobody should or does have their criminal record erased after doing their time.  Even if they get pardoned, that's just a footnote added to the criminal file.

    Hillary knows that will never change.  Indeed, the president has absolutely no authority to do that unless it's a federal crime that has been committed.  She would have no authority to erase state and local criminal records...which is exactly what she refers to.

    As I said, it's all political rhetoric just to get votes.  All politicians do this, including Republicans...making promises to change things over which the federal government has no authority to begin with.

  8. She also says " Every vote should count"

    Unless of course it is a vote for someone other than her

    The woman is a joke

  9. shes such a loser...thats just another plan to let more fools vote for her

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