
Hillary supporters--Aren't you relieved today that your choice for president is now solidified?

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By not choosing Hillary as VP, Obama has made this easy for me.

McCain 08




  1. Very relieved!  I was hoping I wouldn't have to vote against Hillary.  Nothing or no one could make me vote for Obama.  

  2. Yes I agree

    I probably wouldnt have voted for Obama even if she was VP.  Only if she was at the top of the ticket, which who knows, isnt the DNC convention coming up? ;)

  3. Obama has long been solidified- from the neck up.

  4. Did you mean to say that you think Hillary and Mcsame are closer in political philosophy than her and Obama? I am no Obama supporter, but Mcsame will continue the same policies the bush crime family have been perpetrating for 8 years. I have come to believe that Clinton is nothing more than a corporate hack (not to say that obama isnt) ..basically a worthless Rethuglican clone. You have proven it...

  5. I would've been voting for Obama regardless of whether or not Hillary was VP. This isn't like Obama VS Hillary. After seeing what has happened to this country the last 8 years I would rather take a chance with a less experienced candidate than one that will continue the problems we have now.

  6. McCain 2008 !

  7. Obama is not qualified, Grant was not qualified, Lincoln was,

  8. as an ex hillary supporter, i'm voting for mccain as well, now my choice is solid. Mccain 2008.

  9. Have you seen McCain explain why he gave the enemy so many secrets & made 32 tapes for them. Did you remember in the 70's hearing that someone in our gov. was keeping the P.O.W's from being found. I was a teen & then heard about it as I got older. I don't think they went to look for them until recently but the obstructionist was McCain. He didn't want them found cause they would have told he was known as the "songbird" & who knows what McNasty things he did. His whole life is a mess. I can not imagine anyone intelligent enough to vote for Hillary choosing McCain. You can get some info. on the videos put at from the Vietnam Veterans against McCain but I remember being shocked at hearing about this & then to find out it was McCain was really strange. Yes, I AM trilled Obama has picked Biden even though I voted for Hillary. I love Joe Biden read his story I can't imagine anyone not respecting this man.

  10. Another phony Hillary supporter for McCain.  You all are overplaying this one, it is just played out.

  11. Yeah, Obama gave the Clintons a punch in the face.  Hillary is obviously the most qualified to be VP.  Michelle probably made the decision.

  12. Any Hillary supporter who still refuses to support Obama/Biden is just infantile and vindictive.

    If they are going to be infantile and vindictive, they will feel more at home in the Republican party anyway.

  13. Nope... I voted for Hillary and saw her in person 2 days ago here in Florida...

    We're all for Obama...

    But I would have liked her to be VP... oh well.... you can't have it all.

  14. Yes.  Obama made a crucial mistake by not choosing Hillary.  Hillary got 18 million votes. Biden got about 5,000.  Now, only 50% of Hillary supporters back Obama.  He's made it much easier, although I don't know why Hillary would want to play second fiddle to the likes of unqualified Obama.  We all know she should be at the top of the ticket. I'm glad she won't be joining the kool aid gang.  She's far too smart for that.    

  15. Thank you for your support of the Honorable John McCain.

    Without people like you, McCain will have no shot in this election.

    McCain in 08.

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