
Hillary supporters: How does Gov. Palin effect your vote?

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Hillary supporters: How does Gov. Palin effect your vote?




  1. From what I watched on CNN, only a scant FEW are voting for McCain.

    The MAJORITY are going for Obama.

  2. *sigh* it doesn't.

    McCain's voting record on women's issues are abyssmal.

  3. Obama never had my vote, but I respect McCain for being so progressive and find his choice of running mate intriguing. It should make for a very VERY interesting race now.

    Advantage McCain.

  4. She totally dissed Hillary, calling Hillary a "whiner."

    Palin admits she doesn't even know what a VP does.  SEE/HEAR HER IN HER OWN WORDS:

    (her V.P. comments are toward the end of the video)

    ...and she's under investigation for corruption like her mentor Ted Stevens whose endorsement she scrubbed from her website just this morning.

  5. It angers me that now there's two twats who support drilling in alaska, what part of fuel efficiency don't they get? We want to stop using petroleum, we want to move to more reliable fuel sources, this just proves that if McCain becomes the next pres, goodness forgive, we will be stuck in yet the same s***!!! What's up with conservatives and their status quo, we want change, not the same old c**p! If they want status quo they might as well build a time machine and send themselves back to the victorian age, a time where their morality seems to fit perfectly well with their "conservative" stance of so called properness. If discrimination is what they call "proper" then they might as well not have a right to live.

  6. It doesn't. Just because she's a woman doesn't mean i'm going to abandon my party.

  7. Well, I could tell you that some of my democratic friends will be voting for a republican for the first time in a long time.

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