
Hillary supporters: How many of you have decided to support Obama in the last few days?

by  |  earlier

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Or, after leaning towards McCain, have now decided to go for Obama?


On the other hand, how many Independents (and Republicans) have decided to support Obama lately?

Again, why?




  1. I was a Clinton supporter but now voting for Obama.

  2. Obama '08.

    It makes me laugh that first answer is "Sarah Palin all the way!"....Kinda curious...why not McCain all the way?

  3. Hillary is a woman. If a woman ever became president there would be

    a revolution. The world will basically fall apart as we know it.

    McCain chose a woman to be the vice prez. If he dies then a woman

    will become the prez. Again revolution and the end of the world.

    Obama is a MAN who chose another MAN to be the vice prez.


  4. I thought about voting for Obama for a couple of seconds, then I woke up to myself.

  5. i was for clinton, now its McCain

  6. Sarah Palin now all the way!

  7. McCain all the way.....and i'm not a republican, will never vote for Obama...

  8. I am independant, and was going to vote Hillary, then McCain. But now I am voting Obama, because Palin is completely unacceptable. I don't see how any Hillary supporter can switch views 180 degrees just to side with a woman. I don't think the democratic party needs voters like that anyway.

  9. I am Independent... Voted Ron Paul in the primaries... was going to vote Dem in the GE... but they gave me Obama.

    I disagree with everything Obama stands for.

    I will be voting Palin/McCain.


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