
Hillary supporters. So you think her healthcare plan is wonderful?

by Guest60410  |  earlier

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In my home state of Georgia, like many other states, if you have no auto liability insurance and get caught driving, you can and many times will go to jail for doing so. This I can understand since driving without coverage can affect others detrimentally if you hit them.

Hillary talks about "enforcement" of her plan including possibly garnishing wages or automatic enrollment whether you want it or not. If someone else doesn't have health insurance, that doesn't affect me.

I've heard many people that support Hillary also say that they feel the government should supply coverage at no cost to them and that was their hope in what Hillary proposes.

So Clinton supporters? What say you?




  1. I have always had employer provided health coverage and have always been healthy.  But, then I turned "a certain age" and my health began to show signs of aging and my monthly cost is $700.  I was earning two $1,000 checks each month.  THAT's expensive!  Have you heard of the people who health insurance companies have refused to provide vital treatments to and that have died because the insurance companies don't keep their end of the bargain that is entered into when one purchases health insurance?

    Something has to be done.  My main concern is that health care be affordable.  How about one flat rate across one's lifetime.  Then all the excess paid in during one's healthy youth will balance out the expenses of their aging and less healthy years.  

    Mainly, get insurance suits out of the medical decision making process.

    Insurance is a bet.  The insurance company is betting you are paying for nothing & that they'll make money on the deal.  The insured is betting they will have insurable costs and being insured will prevent financial ruin.  

    Kinda Machiavellian.

    Meanwhile, people are dying, hospitals are going broke.  TAXES DO NOT bail out emergency rooms and hospitals - they close.

  2. i love the universal healthcare plan! and YES people with no insurance do affect you...have you heard of a lil thing called Medicaid? it isn't fair that some people go into debt so bad that they end up homeless due to medical bills. for example my uncle has his own roofing business, meaning he is not part of a group ins plan, he has no employees, my aunt can only work part-time (meaning no ins benefits) due to the fact her son (9 yrs old) has type 1 diabetes and is bi-polar. do you know how much they pay a month for insurance only on him??? $1250.00 p/month!!! to keep him alive!!! and she doesn't qualify for Medicaid/CHIP programs not even for the disabled government check that they give most kiddos with long-term illnesses. they are the reason i support HILLARY!!!

  3. Can you lend the rest of the world your crystal ball please? I'm sure everyone could benefit from such "accurate" and proven predictions.

  4. For those who wish to have some form of mandatory health care I would suggest a trip to Cuba.  You will be assigned a certified, qualified MD.  And if you are fortunate, your doctor may even have a clean white smock to wear...or not.

    I Cr 13;8a

  5. Hillary's plan? I don't think it's wonderful. I think it's a compromise. So is Barack Obama's plan. But what we have now is a decaying system that very few people are happy with.

    But then, I'm all about universal single-payer (ie the government) health care. Heck, I don't even care if you call it socialized medicine. I've heard horror stories about England's, France's and Canada's health care system, but so far I haven't heard those stories from the French, British, or Canadians.

    But if we have to, if Hillary's or Obama's compromise is the only plan that can get passed the Republicans (and members of both parties who receive donations from the Health Insurance Companies,) then I'll take it.

    Hopefully, it'll just be a first step toward single-payer health care, anyways.

  6. Well if someone doesn't have health insurance and they don't get proper preventative care, if can be your problem when they have to go to the ER and their medical bills end up being 20 times what they would normally be and guess who pays? tax payers of course!  So, I am not a Hillary supporter, but I think it would be a good idea to make people get health insurance, just not if it's subsidized by our taxes and run by the government.  I already budget properly to pay for my own health care, I don't want to pay for yours too.  If there were less government restrictions on health insurance & health care providers it would be cheaper and more effecient for the average person to get.  In my state I bascially have one choice for health insurance, unless I want to go on the state's government-run plan; they've run all the other companies out of the state with their interference.  So I end up paying a lot more than I probably should.

  7. When pushed during a recent televised interview for an answer on her Health plan Hillary admitted her plan requires everyone  to purchase insurance and those that do not would be subject to a fine and could have their wages garnished to pay for an insurance policy the government would assign them . Hillary has been trying for 15 years to get her health plan passed but has not been able to get Democratic or Republican support for it. She still insists it is the best plan but she is the only one who seems to think so.

  8. She has not been able to get Democrats or Republicans to support her plan. Even when she was the first lady no one would support it. As a senator she has not been able to get any support for it. It will hurt the low income people who seldom ever need health care and burden the system so bad those who really need health care will suffer. She has never lived the life than most Americans live so she can only theorize what it is like.

  9. No I think it's stupid.  A mandate wont help a thing I mean who dosn't WANT health care.  They just can't afford it.

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