
Hillary would transform our economy from carbon-based to clean and energy?

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Aggressive action to transition our economy toward renewable energy sources, with renewables generating 25 percent of electricity by 2025 and with 60 billion gallons of home-grown biofuels available for cars and trucks by 2030




  1. yes and pick you pocket doing it.

    let see how you like the way your money will be spent/misspent

  2. Actually, the way things look from across the Atlantic, You Americans are going to have another republican as Mr. President, and this one will not be around in 2025.

  3. That would be something to look forward to seeing as how renewable energy fuels like ethanol cost so much more than traditional petroleum. Already people are blaming famine and rainforest depletion on farmers in third world countries focusing their attention on growing crops for alternative fuels.

    It's really weird. 50 years ago people predicted that in the future we would have flying cars. Now it looks like we are all going to be riding around on battery powered mopeds instead. Green green green!!

  4. Not going to happen that way, no matter what she says she wants to do; you just can't do that with the resources at hand.

    However, someone running on a program like that would be able to break with the oil barons who think they own the USA.  We can't get to 60 billion gallons of biofuels even if we wanted to, but we can get to 30 billion and replace the rest of our gasoline and diesel with electricity.  Can you say that in a campaign sound bite?  No.  Which is probably why nobody's saying it; the media would mangle it.

  5. Oh gosh ... thanks so much for the laugh!

  6. Just goes to prove she has no idea what she is talking about.

  7. Actually BILL would be president again. Hillary already said she was going to ask Bill for a lot of help and suggestions. Who wants Bill Clinton in the White House again? Not me.

  8. Yeah, she and the Easter bunny

  9. I'm sorry, was there a question in there somewhere?

  10. If that is her vision, then maybe or maybe not. Vision is different from positive action. Anyway, I've never trusted politicians in my life, they tend to s***w up everything, from war, economy, environment to foreign policy, they only tend to say what people want to hear but never do any positive action for as long as the interest group are in existence, still money talk and when it talks, everybody listens.


  11. hilary is communist

  12. Is that Hillary's plan or yours?  If you're asking- will she move on alt energy, yes I think she will.

    I think we should make a big move to solar power plants.  Biofuels aren't sounding so good as a permanant solution because of issues with corn crops and other food costs being driven up because corn is used for feed etc.   And it uses farm land and other issues.  

      There are a bunch of new companies who build solar thermal power plants and some that build concentrating PV solar power plants. They say they can already produce power at prices competitive with coal and gas.  Ausra ,Brightsource, eSolar etc.  

    And a related proposal to convert U.S. electric grid to 65% solar by 2050 and near 100% by 2100:  Scientific American Jan 2008

    Ausra's website:  

    "Solar thermal power plants such as Ausra's generate electricity by driving steam turbines with sunshine. Ausra's solar concentrators boil water with focused sunlight, and produce electricity at prices directly competitive with gas- and coal-fired electric power."

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