
Hillarys health care prog.- is it mandatory?

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if hillary when president, her plan for health care does it include it mandatory that all americans have it? Making it a law?

-college student doing research for essay




  1. Yes.  You will go to her doctor, not yours.

  2. I recently heard her husband, President Clinton on a talk show and according to his answer, her health care plan would be mandatory because "everyone could afford it." Whether Congress will go for it if she is elected is another matter.

  3. It is my understanding that it is. She did not want to have free riders driving up everyone's costs like we do now whereby people with no coverage go to the hospitals and they have to treat them for free which puts inner city hospitals into debt and drives up rates for everyone.

  4. She stated on NBC that Americans wages would be garnished or they would face a steep penalty if they did not join.  But that won't happen.  Congress would never approve it for one thing, and she cannot force anyone who is already happy with their own plan. What I'd like to know is how she is going to make doctors and specialists work for the government when they can make so much more in private practice.

  5. Yes.  Hillary intends to be the person who decides if you can or cannot afford health insurance.  If she decides you can then you are required to pay for it.  If she decides you cannot she is going to somehow make money magically appear to pay for it for you.

    I am still waiting for somebody to explain where the money to pay for this is going to come from.

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