
Hilmar VS BERND?

by  |  earlier

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This is to Hilmar and Bernd and also to those who say they are native or pretend to say they speak fluent German.

To me and others it has been apparent that the two of you are not seeing eye to eye and major thumbs are appearing every where. Now I am not stating it is either of you at all, but it does seem odd that after Himar posts there are no thumbs down and then when you do he has one? Now again I am not saying it is you, this very well can be a troll setting you both up as happened to me and another user.

My point is the thumbs and votes are getting crazy in here and i am not stating it is all you two at all, but maybe peace with you two being both good answerers I respect, maybe that can help stop who ever is doing this?

I know some will copy and paste other's translations and pretend to be fluent or native and they are not. This I do not understand either.

I am not native or fluent and have always said so. What is there to gain in pretending you are what you are not? TY




  1. Hello there.

    I am sorry to say I must have missed all the thumbing down and up you are mentioning. I have to admit, though, that I am not around as much as I used to be a couple of weeks ago. However, I have noticed that there are a lot of people trying to "translate", which often results in ridiculous "translations" that do make me angry at the people who post them, since they are not helping the person who asked the question at all. However, I do believe in the good of people (the more fool I, probably), and simply think: Well, they were trying to help, anyway. I just give a translation than, and state that I am German, which I am, and fluent in both languages, which I am, too. However, I do get thumbed down for that regularly, too, I don't know for what reason, since I don't attack anyone in my posts. If I do say "this-or-that poster is wrong", I do give a reason for it, and if I do give out thumbs down, than because a post is OBVIOUSLY biased, sexist/racist or could get the person following it in bad trouble. Again, if I see something like that, I post, too, and explain.

    I think some people on here are having a big laugh at others by posting some things. I do not understand what they gain from it, but this started as a good idea and means of communication about differences in culture and background. Maye we should remember that and keep the fun / bring it back.

  2. Hello Wulf,

    First of all I want to thank you for that post and for giving the opportunity to end this stupid thumbing against each other and the strange voting.

    I think everybody who answers here regularly has had enough of that.

    With this I want to show that I am ready to end fighting which doesn't mean I will not react if I am attacked.

    I do hope very much others will read this and respond positive so we can have peace here.

    I do not think it was Bernd who gave a thumb down I do think it was my personal troll he is following me almost everywhere :--)

    I  still think Bernd is a man of honour and I do respect him for a lot of good answers he has given.

    @Wulf thanks very much again for this post.I apreciate it very much that you try to help bring peace back to this section.

    @others who read this feel free to comment and leave your opinion.

    @ frackled thanks for the post I couldn't agree more :-)

    @Alwin  thanks very much for posting couldn't agree more with you about the thumbs my policy is quite similar to yours.Yes I agree with you it is sad we have such disussion but I am really glad Wulf made this post I really hope we can end that stupid thumbing.

    EDIT:  Well Wulf I am sorry too I think it is very sad that Bernd did not answer this post.

    I can only repeat that I am ready to talk with him to stop that stupid fighting.

    I am here to give answers as good as I can, to help people who want to come to my country to visit, or who want to know about my country.I still think Bernd is here for the same reasons.

    So Bernd lets stop this and go back to answer questions and help people.

    EDIT: Who ever gave thumb down to Alwin Fracled and me only shows he doesn't understand the real sense of this forum I still hope that it is not Bernd !

  3. To whom it may concern:

    I've watched too many discussions on Yahoo!Germany about trolling and thumbing up or down and all that stuff during the last weeks. I wouldn't like to have these sort of discussions happen here. Not in this category; and actually, I don't like them anywhere.

    I have my own rules of thumbs, if you like:

    I give a thumb up for an answer I find helpful to the question, so when I come in, might be that several people get a thumb up.

    I give a thumb down on rare occasions, such like when an answer is racist or otherwise heavily insulting. (Indecent speech won't be enough for that.)

    I hit "report" for commercial spam.

    I'm native German and I'm trying to be as helpful as I can when answering a question here, and I'm sure the majority of people are trying to do the same. I never pretended to be fluent in English, but I'm trying to be. I don't care what other people are or pretend to be. You can always send me mail; I neither hide my questions and answer, nor my email address, nor my blog, and hopefully I'll never have to. If I had to because of attacks from other Yahoo members, I would delete my account and never return.
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