
Hindu Rituals with coconut?

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Most Hindu rituals of North India, involves coconut. But coconut is grown mainly in seaside India, in the East and the South.

My question is, does North India, Bihar, UP, Rajasthan grow coconut? If not, where from do they collect it?




  1. We the south Indians are growing coconut we will share it with our brothers and sisters.

  2. First, coconuts get transported, like other goods and commodities...  - India has a great rail system -- freight  travels to major urban places all over and goods and groceries  find their way into markets, temples and its outlying shops. Around temples, shops carry items for puja offerings --  so it is not hard to understand  -- since coconuts are part of offerings.  This said, transport-wise, it would be easy to get them from relatively closer locations.. In the east, -- West Bengal and Orissa produce coconuts --in the  west, Maharastra produces it -- I  assume they get transported to the more northerly areas from here, if not from directly all the way south.  Hope this helps.

  3. In most puja in Bengal we use one speacial FAN to do ARATI which is made from tails of a certain type of cow (Chamri) from high in himalayas. Those cows are never seen in Bengal then how you get it at your home ?

    In Orissa there is no Ganga river, how they get Ganga Water for puja ?

    For your breakfast you eat cornflakes. Corn is not produced much in Bengal - where from you get those cornflakes !!

    You know all the answers. The same answer is correct for your question too.

  4. lol

    transport ..

  5. no answer

  6. Coconut plantations are plenty in main land also.

    Not necessarily along he sea coast.

    Water supply is essential.

    You can have a coconut estate anywhere

    Consider revenue and labour part .

    South   -  people are trained


  7. coconut is a coastal species only can be grown in coastal areas, hence it is not grown in north india. In india it is grown in coastal areas of south india. As far as requirement of coconut for hindu ritual is concerns, it require only dry coconut fruit rather than a green or fresh one, all requirement are hence met with from south india. There is a huge demand of dry coconut especially in temples. One piece of dry coconut costs about Rs 10-20 in north india.

  8. From Coast !

    Every Indian must grasp the inner meaning of offering a coconut to God. We never offer the coconut as it is. We remove the fibre that covers it and offer the fruit that is free from all the external fibre. Only then is it possible to break the coconut. By breaking the coconut, the water in it flows out. The heart is the coconut and it is covered by the fibre of desire. The water that flows out is the 'Samskara' or purification. The fibres on the surface are the desires. We must strip the heart of all desires and offer the core without the fibre. It then becomes an offering to God. If we plant a coconut as it is, in course of time and by watering it, another plant will grow out of it. At the time of germination, there is water in it. At that time, the kernel will be clinging to the sides of the fruit. The water in due time gets dried up and the kernel shrivels and begins to drift away from the external surface of the coconut. If we try to get the kernel out, plant it and water it, nothing will happen. Our body may be compared to the shell and our life to the kernel. Our Samskaras are the waters inside the coconut. As long as there are Samskaras within us, the heart will cling to the body consciousness just as the kernel clings to the fruit..

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