Hinduism Questions & Answers
Hinduism is one of the predominant and accepted religions in the Indian subcontinent. It is among the most ancient and primitive religions, which is based on a combination of beliefs. These beliefs revolve around monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, atheism, agnosticm, monism, gnosticism and other complex concepts. Those who are interested in this religion can find diversity of concepts related to Devas, Avatars, Karma and Samasara, and other aspects of human life. Different practices, rituals, rules for pilgrimage and festival and backgrounds are found in Hindu scriptures (Shruti and Smritis). There is also much to explore into societal denominations, ashrams, varnas and ahimsa, monasticism, vegetarianism and conversion procedures.
Those who are more into research on Hinduism and its practices can find this section really informative. All aspects of Hinduism can be thoroughly covered, in a question and answer format. Hinduism related questions are inquired by users and responded by religious scholars. You can contact an expert Pundit or Hindu scholar to guide you through e-mail for a quick answer. The scholar can respond your query as it arrives in the queue. Mostly an instant response is presented, but there may be a need to hold-on and wait at times.
Hindu Pundits, Scholars on Hindu rituals, Vedas and those having a deep insight into understanding of Hinduism and its practices, can become an effective guide on this site. Check out the unanswered question section, find the inquiries you can supply best response to and assist people in finding solutions for their queries related to Hinduism.