
Hinny problems help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Okay my little girl as a really bad diaper rash....It bleeding it so bad..

Doctors keep tell me to put creams on, don't use wipes , soak in bath tubs , try to get diaper off...Use corn I don't know what else to use... these are thing the I've used.


Johnson's no more rash


corn starch

baby powder


I think that's it....PLEASE help i fell so bad....AND THE DOCTOR KEEPS TELLING ME TO USE THIS OVER & OVER AGAIN




  1. my twins had this...  it was AWFUL!!!  their doc said it was, basically, the same as having 2nd degree burns.  we used "Bordeaux Butt Paste" every time we changed them and every other time *before we put on the butt paste* we used burn cream.  it is the ONLY thing that worked for them *after trying a whole list of things as well, including athlete's foot cream & hydrocortisone*...  now to maintain it we use vaseline at every changing and it has never come back.  gl...  i know it is hard to see them like that :(  

  2. When our daughter (almost 6 months old) gets it pretty bad (not quite bleeding, but very close), we use Boudreux's Butt Paste. It has a higher concentration of zinc oxide in it than most creams, and has a few other things added into it. On a daily basis however we will put a thin layer of Desitin Creamy on her. Its when we forget to do that that she gets really red and requires the Boudreux's.

    Are you drying her completely before you put it on? We found that made a huge difference. And like someone else said, we would let her be diaper-free on a towel for about an hour before her bath every night to let her skin breathe. That made a huge difference too.

  3. I agree- if its not healing have them check her for a yeast infection. I was told ( by the pediatricians nurse) that liquid mylanta would help with the symptoms- but you will need a prescription if it is a yeast infection- poor baby... soak her bottom in some cool water and then try the mylanta until you can get into a Doctor..good luck

  4. Boudreux's Butt Paste is the best for rashes if that doesnt do it then you will need a prescription.

  5. It could be a yeast rash ... if it is really red and bumpy!!! You would need antifungal cream to clear that up!!!

  6. my little one had bad diaper rash and it kepting worse with everything i tried i finally tried a and d ointment with NO zinc oxcide cleared it in a week also i let her lay naked on a piddle pad to let it dry  

  7. Have you tried changing DIAPER brands? My kids had very sensitive skin and broke out if I used "cheaper" brands of diapers. That may be causing the rash.

  8. Sometimes letting them bathe in the sun with no nappy on (but on towel and not too long so that she will get burnt) will dry the moisture out better than a towel then rub on a cream, because sometimes putting creams on to moisture will only feed the problem not cure it.

  9. My doctor told me that 9% of diaper rash is a yeast infection, and my experience bears that out.

    Like one of the other posters suggested, you can treat it with any over-the-counter yeast treatment. The ones for vaginal yeast infection work very well (like Vagisil). You might also need a mild antibacterial ointment, like polysporin.

    Get her out of her diaper as often as possible, don't use any other powers or creams, and it should start to clear up very quickly.

    Good luck.  

  10. I'd also add a mix of polysporin and lotriman (for jock itch which will treat a yeast infection).  Don't use cortisone on bleeding skin, or broken skin ever - since it is a steroid it would impede the body's ability to defend it's self from infection at the site that it's used.  Anything with zinc oxide can burn skin that is bleeding - at least it hurts my kid's skin.  Avoid giving her any foods that are acidic, like tomatoes, oranges/citrus, kiwi, and avoid juice which will help grow yeast.  Change diapers frequently, like twice as often as usual too.

    Well, that's what works for us - that and let that baby butt out.  If you have a yard, it's a good time to put it to use - putting her on a towel if she's not crawling, or just letting her go.

  11. Try Desitin or Butt paste, these worked well for my cousins and sisters, also try letting your babies bum air out, supervised of course, just strip your baby down and play with her on a clean blanket for a little while a few times a day just to get there butt out of the diaper. Hope this helps some! :)  

  12. use boudreauxs paste.. dont laugh  it works .. that what i use on my little boy.. you can get it in the baby section of walmart.. well you can here if not order that **** online.. its worth it i promise... its cheap too

  13. try this fool-proof technique - strip baby bare. Let her play, on her tummy in the nude in a sunbeam in your house.

    the sun and air will heal her sores, and the sun will disinfect the wounds.

    honestly, bathing in lightly salted water and airing out is the very best way to prevent infection from a bleeding nappy rash.

    - just be sure to lay down some material for her to play on that you don't mind if she wee's on :)

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