
Hip angle, open vs closed?

by  |  earlier

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so i'm just learning to jump now, or really learning i guess (going from crossrails and single jumps to lines and courses..)

so what is an open hip angle vs a closed hip angle?

picture or videos are great, but if not any clarification is appreciated!






    In this picture I need to open my hip angle (A LOT) because it is really closed. I am practically laying on his neck. It doesnt feel like it but I am. I also need to close my knee angle a touch. I would open my hip angle by sitting up (pulling my head/chest up and back). I would close the knee angle by shortening my stirrups a touch.

    I can only see your hip angle being to open if you are getting left behind but you have a lot more than hip angle to worry about if that is happening. No picture, sorry.

  2. shoulder leaned more towards the back is better

  3. well,

    when your jumping and you are in the air you want to just strainghten your arms. also close your hip aangle let the horse or ponie close the angle let it bring the saddle up to you an close the  angle so you have more controlle

    ~horse girl

  4. big jumps need a closed hip angle.

    little ones are typically jumped with an open hip angle.

    ill try for pics.

    this is a closed hip angle. it is more common among jumpers. (this isnt me) (my pics on this site are on a greener horse so they dont look good)

    this is open:

    (thats not me either)

  5. An extreme "closed hip angle" would be you leaning way over, and laying on your horse's neck.  The angle between your thigh and stomach (made by the hip joint) is closed.  An open hip angle would be you sitting more upright.

    When jumping very small jumps, you do not need to have a very closed hip angle, but some trainers teach that way anyway.

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