
Hip hop jazz dance classes.?

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i've just started taking hip hop jazz dance classes for the summer, and i know that it's a combination between soft crump and rough jazz. at least that's what the dance teacher told us. xD i want to get better at doing stretches, and become more flexible and fit before school starts this fall. is there any kind of fitness thing to do if i want to improve myself, or any dance moves that i could do? (: thanks in advance.




  1. I would say just exersise regularly. I have been dancing for 5 years and running is a good way to keep up your enduance level. enduance is key to dancing well since if you are tired you wont be able to concentrate as much on teqnique. I think when it comes to excersising the best way to stay fit for dancing is to dance! And if you are feeling that you arent strong enough in some areas, do drills that excersise them, like if your legs are weaker, try some leg drills. There isnt any special ways to do drills, its just whatever works out one muscle repeatedly. If you feel the muscle burning, its working lol. As for stretching, go online and just type in dance stretches or sumthing and im sure you will find sumthing, i think that would be more affective than me trying to tell yu how to do all the stretches i do lol. I can say this though, make sure you stretch ALL areas, and hold them long enough otherwise you could injure yourself, i know you prolly think thats just a myth but i have injured myself before due to not stretching long enough. Hope it helps, good luck! :)

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