
Hip is hurting but i dont know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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okay so heres the deal. at football practice i got gang tackled around my hip area. one helmet went inot my like right groin/hip area and the other came from the right and nailed my hip. i dont want to be a p***y and sit out of practice but it hurts whenever i get low and run through ppl. what should i do




  1. ~ Hi ~ ! Is it sore to the touch like maybe it was bruised from the impact? To help relief the pain I would recommend applying Heat to the site. If inflammation is occurring, it may also to help alternating the heat with ice. Don't apply the heat or ice for any longer than 15 -20 minutes 2 or 3 times a day. For pain relief you can try Tylenol or Ibuprofen (whichever you can tolerate). I have found the liquid gel caps work best and offer quickest pain relief.

    I hope you start feeling better soon! =)

  2. you check your hip if you have red marks or black. it there's none ask painkiller or pain reliever from a physician

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